I'd also want to add, and maybe a bit off topic, that this forum can be a dangerous place for the uninitiated. It's the first place I'll ask for advice but also the first place I take with a grain of salt. There's some very knowledgeable people here (Looking at your username Martini1991, I kinda recall reading some of your posts and class you as one of them - hope I'm not wrong here) but 98% of posters here knows sweet FA and only ape and parrot what the more knowledgeable posters say and try and pass it off as their own words.
It also hypes itself into the stratosphere with zero evidence and everyone seemed to get sucked into towing a party line with 'dissenters' quickly swarmed by the stupid and clueless - using words, abbreviations and terms they don't really understand but ape from the more knowledgeable posters.
More off topic, but the recent Battlefield 1 thread is another classic OCUK example. Dice's previous game crashed and burned in spectacular fashion. Battlefront died after a month. With most people swearing off pre-ordering another Dice game 'ever again'. A 2min trailer and 'ZOMG HYPE HYPE HYPE, PRE ORDER PRE ORDER PRE ORDER!!!!', all is forgotten and every dummy that made all sorts of promises a month ago is throwing money at Dice again. Hell, even people that's probably never played a Dice game before is fighting like tigers defending Dice/BF1. I swear they'll fight to the death if they had to. They don't exactly know why, but all the other apes are doing it so they're just doing their bit too. Once they realise it's probably only a reskin from Battlefront, the same promises of 'never again' are made once. Ad infinitum.
Same with the RX 480 thread. For 160 pages people were convinced it was going to match a 980Ti. On page 166 (iirc) Gibbo brings a bit of realism into it and the train is derailed. 30-40 pages later his comments are all but forgotten (Taking into account he's the only person in the thread that actually held the card in his hands and tested it) and the delusion is back on with every little stupid fanboy shrilling at everyone that dare think otherwise because of what XYZ poster said in his/her latest novel (based on zero evidence) or argument.
If you all think that the CPU section is any different, you're wrong. The same nonsense goes on in here. Some of us just like looking at it for what it is, where the market is, where the best performance and price point is, instead of how we want it to be.
And for the extremely large majority of people and what they actually do with their PCs, AMD is fine.
It also hypes itself into the stratosphere with zero evidence and everyone seemed to get sucked into towing a party line with 'dissenters' quickly swarmed by the stupid and clueless - using words, abbreviations and terms they don't really understand but ape from the more knowledgeable posters.
More off topic, but the recent Battlefield 1 thread is another classic OCUK example. Dice's previous game crashed and burned in spectacular fashion. Battlefront died after a month. With most people swearing off pre-ordering another Dice game 'ever again'. A 2min trailer and 'ZOMG HYPE HYPE HYPE, PRE ORDER PRE ORDER PRE ORDER!!!!', all is forgotten and every dummy that made all sorts of promises a month ago is throwing money at Dice again. Hell, even people that's probably never played a Dice game before is fighting like tigers defending Dice/BF1. I swear they'll fight to the death if they had to. They don't exactly know why, but all the other apes are doing it so they're just doing their bit too. Once they realise it's probably only a reskin from Battlefront, the same promises of 'never again' are made once. Ad infinitum.
Same with the RX 480 thread. For 160 pages people were convinced it was going to match a 980Ti. On page 166 (iirc) Gibbo brings a bit of realism into it and the train is derailed. 30-40 pages later his comments are all but forgotten (Taking into account he's the only person in the thread that actually held the card in his hands and tested it) and the delusion is back on with every little stupid fanboy shrilling at everyone that dare think otherwise because of what XYZ poster said in his/her latest novel (based on zero evidence) or argument.
If you all think that the CPU section is any different, you're wrong. The same nonsense goes on in here. Some of us just like looking at it for what it is, where the market is, where the best performance and price point is, instead of how we want it to be.
And for the extremely large majority of people and what they actually do with their PCs, AMD is fine.
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