Nothing AMD do will ever dictate Intel's pricing, people who think Intel's pricing structure has anything to do with AMD are nuts.
Competition from AMD will drive down Intel's prices, I'm not nuts it's just simple supply and demand.
The only people who dictate Intel's pricing are those who buy computer hardware, If Zen does come good i would be very interested to see how many will still try to blame AMD for what Intel will continue to do.
If AMD come good people will actually buy AMD and Intel won't be able to continue with current prices.
The only way Intel's pricing will change is if they lose significant market share to AMD, that will never happen, even when AMD had clearly better CPU's Intel still out sold them massively.
Intel chipsets have always had a reputation for being the most reliable/stable, whereas AMD for a long time relied on VIA. When you're running mission critical computers it's not just all about benchmarks.
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