To be honest, I play WoW predominantly, but noticed some cpu bottlenecking in BF1 with 2500K OC. I was set for Ryzen, but because I don't currently do a lot of other stuff I'm sure the I7 can cope with that.
The thing that concerns me is that even threaded games aren't really seeing much advantage being on Ryzen over the 7700K, maybe that is just because it's new, but maybe not.
Either way I'm sure I will be ok on the I7 for the next 2 or 3 years when I can re-evaluate.
Nothing wrong with an i7's gaming performance. The problem is the same now as it was 3 years ago. It's £150 overpriced and no matter when you buy Intel are always offing a dead end chipset.
The situation is you have Intel offering a 4 core chip and EOL board, and AMD offing an 8 core chip and motherboard with upgrades for the foreseeable future. AMD are offering a better system for less money.