Not sure this was worth its own thread so am adding it here as it will be interesting to some comparing Intel vs. AMD choices and one of the factors in consideration is Intel's new Optane (which can be used as "RAM" by Intel's new chips but not AMDs).
It's a bit wordy. I would start reading below the first slide if interested. Long and the short of it is that the journalist at Semi-Accurate is pretty ****** off at Intel and gives a detailed break down on how he feels they are deliberately obfuscating and misleading over Optane's performance. To the degree that he concludes that this behaviour is so far outside Intel's normally good PR-press relationships that he thinks senior management must have stuck their oars in and mandated the concealment of information.
Anyway, interesting read if you're weighing up Optane as a factor on Ryzen vs. Intel chips. Seemed more use here than a lonely thread in the Storage section.