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*** AMD "Zen" thread (inc AM4/APU discussion) ***

The Ryzens are good. Seeing them drop in price is not necessarily a bad thing. It could just be AMD want to capitalise on the current market and get as many people on Ryzen as possible before Intel come back with a counter.
The Ryzens are good. Seeing them drop in price is not necessarily a bad thing. It could just be AMD want to capitalise on the current market and get as many people on Ryzen as possible before Intel come back with a counter.
This makes much more sense since Ryzens really don't need price cuts to sell. I guess Amd just want to accelerate things till Intel launches new series
I think the price drops are due to the stronger £/$ rate (relative to what it has been that is)

Back near the release it was around £1/$1.22 it's now around £1/$1.29 so newer batches bought will be at a better rate, hence the "discounts"
AMD has gained 2% market share of all benchmarked CPUs through Passmark's suite on Windows only.

Q1 2017 > Q2 2017
18.10% > 20.30%
Not bad considering how few people actually use that. :p


Ryzen R3 due for end of Q2 along with OEM systems and partners. APU still not due until laters.

Naples coming end of Q2 as well, but will ramp up over the rest of the year, with partners coming out quarter on quarter.
Directly from Lisa at the Investors call and Q&A.

Wait so "R3" isn't reserved for APU models? Surprised that AMD are going to even bother with 2c/4t, 3c/6t, or 4c/4t CPUs at the same time as having APUs available.

AMD has gained 2% market share of all benchmarked CPUs through Passmark's suite on Windows only.

Q1 2017 > Q2 2017
18.10% > 20.30%
Not bad considering how few people actually use that. :p



How the hell did they have nearly 20% to begin with?? There can't be that many people out there who are only interested in video encoding and their previous CPUs were basically trash for everything else.
Wait so "R3" isn't reserved for APU models? Surprised that AMD are going to even bother with 2c/4t, 3c/6t, or 4c/4t CPUs at the same time as having APUs available.

How the hell did they have nearly 20% to begin with?? There can't be that many people out there who are only interested in video encoding and their previous CPUs were basically trash for everything else.

They need to do something with all those defective CCXs, might as well make budget CPUs I guess.
Those could fit well with Polaris Mobile GPUs as well.

Lots of people are still holding on to Phenom 2, Thuban X6 CPUs; and the FX line was rather popular for a while for budget gaming systems.

Specially after the massive price cuts; even so you can see them dropping much faster after 2012 when Bulldozer graced us with its presence and it's performance sank in :P
I'm back running my 1090T @ 3.8GHz after destroying my 4670k and it is perfectly ample for my current needs (Doom and Diablo 3 work fine) paired with a 480 @ 1080p 144Hz Freesync.

When funds allow I will definitely be going to Ryzen but by that time Zen++ will probably be out :p
In hindsight I should have waited to buy a delidding tool but they weren't available and I don't have a vice to hand to use that method.

You live and learn.

On a side note, I think the duff CPU killed my motherboard somehow as I bought a cheap replacement CPU to tide me over and that didn't work either, hence the use the of the 1090T.

Back on topic, I'm really enjoying reading about the developments of Ryzen and the fact that people do have a genuine choice of what brand of CPU to go for.

I still can't get over the cost of things nowadays though, I remember back in the day a highish end CPU (XP2500) would set you back £120 and a high end motherboard under £100.

I thought it mental that a secondhand 4670k was going to cost £40 more than I paid for it brand new.
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