Every xbox game uses the esram. They're getting rid of it because it itself has turned into a bottleneck due to its size (32mb) being inadequate for 1080p, let alone the 4k that the consoles are shooting for with their respective updates. It's just too small to cache the amount of data it needs to. That's why some games have such shonky resolutions (I.e weird, non-stndard sizes, used to fit within the esram cache limitations)ESRAM has seen very little use from developers. If 32mb of ERAM could magically boost performance by a factor of 3 then why would the idea get dropped?
The Xbox perfomance is 1.3Tflops with DDR3.
And, as well, the price of GDDR5 has come down significantly since the consoles release, such that on-package esram just isn't a good choice financially.