Lets be honest here.
I'm thinking maybe i'll upgrade to an 8 core CPU, i wouldn't get an 8 core Zen 2, i already have a Zen 2 theres no point.
So, the 5800X is probably going to end up £430, that's expensive and i'm not paying over £400 for an 8 core CPU no matter how good it is.
10700K, 8 cores 16 threads, the 5800X is in every conceivable way better, i'm also not going to be able to overclock it as far as it can with my £50 AIO, it wouldn't be able to cope with the heat.
But its £375, that's a significant difference in price and its by no stretch a bad CPU.
Look, not only have AMD brought the cost of high performance CPU's down, Until AMD came along with Ryzen we were paying £300 for 4 core 8 thread CPU's and it was AMD who forced Intel to rethink that, AMD's CPU's are now better than Intel's.
I would like to see AMD reap the rewards of what i have no doubt was a lot of very hard work, i'm happy for them to put the prices up a bit, i was expecting it, i think we all were.
So $550 for the 12 core 5900X, fine its $100 more than what the 3900X was, that's the sort of price hike i was expecting, its still good value at that and lets face it its going to humiliate the 10900K.
The 5600X, at $300 i think its just slightly too high but acceptable, its clearly a better CPU than the 10600K and the same sort of price.
The 5800X however its £30 to £50 too much money.