American Truck Simulator

Had a few strange happenings after Switching back to SP after MP, first my funds jumped up from a few K to 78 million, then today all my company drivers ratings have jumped to 10 :confused:

ah yes well the server started out at 90 weeks in when they launched it so when you F7+enter or quick travel or sleep it boosts your save file up to this time so your employees earn advanced wages

start a new profile for MP if you don't want your save messed up
click load, click the show autosave box and you should have some old save in there you can revert back to, you may have to lose some progress
I got me a Peterbilt 379. Its a mod, I had a similar one in ETS2 I used for a while.
Pulling is fun and the engine sounds less refined, when compared to todays standards, which is nice.

I'm at level 8 but couldn't wait to get a sleeper cab, seeing as I don't really have enough time as I would like for the game at present.
I look at it this way.. I bought it second hand, or that could be a hundred and second hand, considering the year. :D
My Steampunk PB 579!

Bought the game but I'll wait until it's more fleshed out before playing.

Promods are supposed to be looking to put together another team of modders specifically for ATS. Here's hoping that becomes a reality.
Any tips on how to park? I have worked out that the trailer moves in the opposite direction to my steering but still find myself unable to get parked up, unless I choose to just drive straight in - which is usually quite easy.

Some of the videos on youtube make it look really simple. In reality, it's really difficult!
Any tips on how to park? I have worked out that the trailer moves in the opposite direction to my steering but still find myself unable to get parked up, unless I choose to just drive straight in - which is usually quite easy.

Some of the videos on youtube make it look really simple. In reality, it's really difficult!

Press 3 for overhead cam angle helps a lot , and lots practice :D
Any tips on how to park?

In the real world, trucks have two sides when it comes to reversing, an open or good side and a blind side. The open side is the side where you can look out of the drivers window to get the best view of the trailer. Where possible try to reverse so that the trailer is turning towards the good side. In ATS this is the left. Typically, most of the difficult / well paying parking choices don't allow this in ATS. So most of the difficult parks will be on the blind (difficult) side.

When reversing, go slowly. Again this is what most professional drivers do. 90% of my reversing is done at tickover pace and I've been driving for 34 years. Longer trailers don't turn in as quickly as shorter trailers. Aim to get the rear wheels of the trailer to travel through the front end of the parking slot. i.e. the white cab part of the marked box. This gives better opportunity to correct minor errors early in the reverse and doesn't leave you swinging the cab wildly towards the end when you need to correct those errors.

If you find that you are nearing completion of a turn and are a long way out, pull well forward and try again. Lots of short turns don't cut it and will leave you in frustration. The outside view (2 key by default) and overhead view (3 key) will give you a good perspective of what you need to do. Try not to use this view whilst moving if you want realism. You can't drive a truck from the outside.

Eventually you will learn how best to approach each situation. This would typically take a real driver 6 months to 2 years worth of experience to become fully comfortable with. But a real world loading bay has probably four to six inches of latitude, not the 2-3 ft you can get away with in ATS.
Any tips on how to park? I have worked out that the trailer moves in the opposite direction to my steering but still find myself unable to get parked up, unless I choose to just drive straight in - which is usually quite easy.

Some of the videos on youtube make it look really simple. In reality, it's really difficult!

Did you watch Squirrel's Trucking School How to Reverse a Truck video?

There is a link in the OP to the series.
In the real world, trucks have two sides when it comes to reversing, an open or good side and a blind side. The open side is the side where you can look out of the drivers window to get the best view of the trailer. Where possible try to reverse so that the trailer is turning towards the good side. In ATS this is the left. Typically, most of the difficult / well paying parking choices don't allow this in ATS. So most of the difficult parks will be on the blind (difficult) side.

When reversing, go slowly. Again this is what most professional drivers do. 90% of my reversing is done at tickover pace and I've been driving for 34 years. Longer trailers don't turn in as quickly as shorter trailers. Aim to get the rear wheels of the trailer to travel through the front end of the parking slot. i.e. the white cab part of the marked box. This gives better opportunity to correct minor errors early in the reverse and doesn't leave you swinging the cab wildly towards the end when you need to correct those errors.

If you find that you are nearing completion of a turn and are a long way out, pull well forward and try again. Lots of short turns don't cut it and will leave you in frustration. The outside view (2 key by default) and overhead view (3 key) will give you a good perspective of what you need to do. Try not to use this view whilst moving if you want realism. You can't drive a truck from the outside.

Eventually you will learn how best to approach each situation. This would typically take a real driver 6 months to 2 years worth of experience to become fully comfortable with. But a real world loading bay has probably four to six inches of latitude, not the 2-3 ft you can get away with in ATS.

Thanks for the tips. I have been trying to go slowly and line things up but every time I need to pull forward, it seems to either reset all my progress (trailer goes back where it was when i started!) or jackknife the truck :/

I use the outside cameras for parking up. Maybe I should try from in the cab though and like you say use the 'better' side. I would imagine this makes things harder but who knows.

Did you watch Squirrel's Trucking School How to Reverse a Truck video?

There is a link in the OP to the series.

Yep I've watched that and several others, including real life trucks! I completely understand the process, it's actually doing it I struggle with!
Progress update: Vanilla game i.e. no mods.
Now at level 18. The $400k loan paid off in full and $185k cash. My existing 2 drivers that work out of Reno have been averaging just over $2k per day profit. So I'd been waiting for a decent job to come up that would take me near to Bakersfield. Once there, I took out a $400k loan, because I know that the payments are affordable. Bought a new garage in Bakersfield, and 2 trucks to work out of there. One a day cab and one a sleeper. I relocated my most productive driver to this garage and gave him the new sleeper cab. He has 2 skill in long distance and the first 3 Hazard diamonds. Should get plenty of well paying jobs for Chemist from there.

I also employed 2 new drivers, one for his old truck and one for the new day cab. There is a vacant slot for another truck/driver, but I'll let these 2 settle in a bit first.

I've also found some annoying AI traits. A couple of trucks travelling in opposite directions both turning left under Interstate five at the same time both half turned under the bridge and stopped to let the other go. So an impasse. Had to divert. Saw 2 AI have an accident on route 99 where 3 lanes become 2 and the inside car side swiped the one in lane 2.
Travelling north at Tonopah wanting to turn left at the T junction sat behind 2 trucks for over an hour game time. It was too busy and they just sat there. In the end, I took the hit and just pulled alongside on the left with ensuing accident fines and 5% damage.
The AI has always been a bit ......... in the early days of ETS2 it was terrible! SCS have made improvements but there are still areas where it goes a bit wrong. :D

What really annoys me is when a car overtakes you sometimes it will then pulls over in front of you and brakes!

I've now got up to 98% of the map discovered and not used any 'assistance'. Just selecting the right jobs and some free roaming. To get the last few bits might require some 'assistance'.

@balanceballs Keep practicing the reversing and you will get the hang of it.
Is it normally for my newly employed drivers to only be earning aaround $600 per job?

Both drivers skills are set to Hazardous. Do they progress upto better paying jobs in time?
Is it normally for my newly employed drivers to only be earning aaround $600 per job?

Both drivers skills are set to Hazardous. Do they progress upto better paying jobs in time?

Switch their training policy around so they get the first point in each category - this works the same as yourself and "unlocks" those types of delivery.

Edit: Apparently it's been patched today, but no W900 yet.

Patch 1.1.1:

Tweaked police offence probabilities for 'no lights' and 'speeding'
Added option for disabling traffic offense
Added reduction of fines based on player's level

Reduction of fine is apparently Level 0 pays 20%, progressing up to 100% fines by Level 10.
Get to Drive Kenworth W900 Now!

We are happy to announce that the legendary Kenworth W900 truck is now a part of American Truck Simulator. The truck is a free DLC - the game will be updated automatically through Steam. Please check out the little movie that we have made to celebrate this event

There are also several notable changes coming with this game update, let us preview them for you:

Since ATS release, we have heard plenty of complaints regarding relative large fines in the game. Perhaps our tester group is so much experienced already; playing our games for years, that they did not bring it to our attention that this would be a problem especially for new players. We erred here on the side of trying to make this element of the game too close to reality, catering to the veteran fans who want it tough.

On second thought, it's not really a good idea to intimidate people coming fresh to the game with crippling fines. Fines are now considerably lower in the early stages of the game, they grow larger only as the player's skill/level grows.

We have also made the detection code for speeding more forgiving, giving the player more time to adjust to a new speed limit. We definitely do not want to make players feel like the game is unfair!

More changes in this area are in the pipeline, our map team is hard at work adding more speed limit signs to proper places to explicitly zone the limits. There are also changes to the AI code that are tied to yet more map tweaks, which should further limit the problems with being rammed by overly stupid AI cars and on top of it getting penalized for it. But we will only be able to push out the changes in the map alongside the next major game update, so please have patience with us.

Finally, we have also improved the detection of 'turn on red' feature in the game. For drivers in Europe, it may be a surprise that in the US it's legally allowed to turn right at red traffic light, unless explicitly prohibited. So in the game, if you properly use your indicator to signal that you are turning right, no red light penalty is applied just as expected.
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