AMG GT R - Der Tag

I think I ran my Lexus GS430 for just under a year without an MoT. I forgot that it needed one after 3 years old.
would be very strange to steal a RHD car and ship to a country that only has LHD cars :cry:

To then really fudge up the history, invent an entirely new car, and sell it back into the RHD market again eventually. A lot of wealthy people in Dubai don’t stay in Dubai the majority of the time, it’s an utter cess pit once you get past the surface level wealth, and only the most very shallow are impressed by that.
Old age doesn't come itself... :D
It’s when you get to 45 that’s when, to quote Highlander, when ‘The Quickening’ starts. Hair on everything but your head, aches and brain fuzz on the stuff you decide doesn’t matter like forums, people in the street and MOT and Tax :cool::eek::cry:

Its why I post about my Scotland trip on one part then post again on another part as if I never did. It’s not showboating I promise, it’s just forgotten stuff you do when you brain fart.
It’s when you get to 45 that’s when, to quote Highlander, when ‘The Quickening’ starts. Hair on everything but your head, aches and brain fuzz on the stuff you decide doesn’t matter like forums, people in the street and MOT and Tax :cool::eek::cry:

Its why I post about my Scotland trip on one part then post again on another part as if I never did. It’s not showboating I promise, it’s just forgotten stuff you do when you brain fart.

Everything I've got to look forward to then. In some ways life will be simpler... my old man speaks his mind to everyone and doesn't give a #### :D He got caught speeding twice and they let him off both times! I think he just reels off a few war stories and they feel obliged :)
I managed to complete a 650 mile mini tour of Scotland with no road tax (yeah yeah VED), don't know how I managed to forget... I'm usually on top of such things.

It was only once i seen the reminder (which came a few weeks prior) that a remembered I never actually done it :(
It was all me. I popped the car in for warranty work early on in my ownership and dealer mentioned it as “due soon” and I said leave it for now…followed by forgetting.
When I did get the car done last week I was able to have a proper good look under the car, which was helpful. Car looked mucky and salty but in good shape outside some oil making around the sump bolt, I suspect due to the dealer overfilling it and me telling them to take it out. I will be picking that up next time I speak to them…

When I did my Scotland road trip I did have a MASSIVE crunch when the bottom of the car hit a rock/rise when we had to navigate a small lane. It was a real WTF moment for me and my mate in the passenger side as the noise was horrific so good to see nothing obvious under the car.
Noises like that almost always sound way way worse than they are. I accidentally parked my M5 on top of a tree stump at C&M (totally unsighted due to the slope) and it felt like I'd bent the car in half. In reality there was a slight bit of a mark/scuff under the car which just rubbed off.
Noises like that almost always sound way way worse than they are. I accidentally parked my M5 on top of a tree stump at C&M (totally unsighted due to the slope) and it felt like I'd bent the car in half. In reality there was a slight bit of a mark/scuff under the car which just rubbed off.
Yes I’ve had a few over the years but this one sounded like Thors Hammer. Small children and women across Scotland, baby Jesus went “WTF” and a Dragon from the Den who was behind me said “I’m out”
Only an absolute IDIOT would drive an AMG GTR without an MOT and be so stupid that he only realised when he came to tax it…..for 9 months without an MOT too. Chavs the lot of them with their illegal road cars.

Lol! Good escape :D

I forgot to renew my free tax last year and got fined £80 :p “But it's free” wasn’t a valid argument apparently :o
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