Amnesia: The Dark Descent

Imagine playing this game around 1 -2 am at night time and you are the only one in the house and outside it is dead quiet :eek:.

Amazing what the utilization of polygons can do with scary sound effects plus music.

When I played silent hill 1 demo on ps1 that was the first time a game scared the **** out of me. I never thougt that a mere game could be that scary :(.
Frictional Games announces the completion of development on Amnesia: The Dark Descent, saying the now-gold first-person horror game will be available on September 8. Here's their primer on the game: "Amnesia: The Dark Descent is a first person horror game with a focus on immersion. It is a game where atmosphere and story comes first. We hope that the game will be a breeze of fresh air, in a genre otherwise populated by "one-man-army action hero" sagas. In Amnesia you are almost completely defenseless, something we believe not only makes the game a lot scarier, but also gives a vastly different experience."

I've been following this for months and can't wait until it comes out so I can brick myself.

I know what'll happen: I'll move around like a snail, realise the character is going mad because its been dark for too long and I've run out of tinder, start running around like a maniac (as I used to do in Thief) looking for tinder and things to light, come upon a ghost/spirit, leave a puddle of wee under my chair, quit the game and sit up all night too scared to sleep.

I really really want to play Penumbra but as there are spiders in it I won't. I stopped playing Dark Messiah of Might and Magic after the spider level. I can't tell you how uncomfortable I was in the spider caverns and then when they're coming from everywhere as you have to climb up some rope. I got past all that only to find there were more, random spiders, in other parts of the game. Thief 2 - on my first play of it, I fell down a shaft on the second mission, came across a spider and quit the game, leaving it for hours. Lets just say I didn't do any of the Thief 1 or 2 missions containing spiders unless you could get through the mission without accidentally stumbling upon them.

Yes I'm a wimp.
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Holy crap that was creepy haha, love the fact you have barricade the door and hide in the cupboard instead of whipping out your guns or axe to get past enemies. However I'm not sure I'd play it, think my heart would give up on me.
I wonder - do you think someone, somewhere, will actually die while playing this because the scares got too much for them?
Lets hope that Frictional get the publicity they deserve this time because, imho, the penumbras were two of the best games no one ever heard of.

the industry needs people the Like frictional.
Hrmm looks not bad actually. It will have to go some to be scarier than call of cthuhla though ;)

penumbra collection is only £8.80 on amazon btw.
Imagine playing this game around 1 -2 am at night time and you are the only one in the house and outside it is dead quiet :eek:.

Amazing what the utilization of polygons can do with scary sound effects plus music.

Its ALL about the audio. Watch it again with the sound muted and see how you feel then, then listen to it without the visuals :)
Won't get this unless its mega cheap as I really didn't like the penumbra games at all (got 2/3 of them). I hate stealth games with loads of hiding etc as I just don't have the patience for them at all. Penumbra was pretty scary but even after spending a few hours trying to like the game, I gave up on it.
Radial Blur , Image Trail

If you suffer from motion sickness with certain games turn it off , i'm struggling with it even off lol. Don't get motion sickness very often :rolleyes:

Bloody creepy game though :D :D
Kind of peeved.

I preordered the steam CD key a week ago via the fictional games website at 10% off, and now the pre-order is available on steam directly for 20% off!

They made me think I was getting a good deal!

I don't really care about the money, but it's a little offside if you ask me.
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