Amnesia: The Dark Descent

I bought this today. It's a fantastic and utterly, utterly terrifying game. I have gotten to the water part where... something... is attacking me unless I get out of it. I haven't been this frightened since I played the original Silent Hill. Superb game, I highly recommend it!
Looks interesting. I think I might get it for the puzzle element and also in the review posted on page 1 it said it reminded the reviewer of the mansion in Resident Evil 1. I loved Resident Evil 1 and running about in an old mansion.

Cant say I've found any of the videos remotely scary though.
I nearly pooped my pants when I was walking down the corridor and this thing walked right up to my face. Turned around and there was another thing and so I shut myself into the nearest closet and sobbed like a little girl.

Amazing game.
I quite like this game, I guess it has potential for expansions.
Good atmosphere - the sound FX are well done.
Would love to see these developers make something really epic - it has more potential to unlock.
How long did it take you? 10 hours?

Around 8ish , also in the install folder there is a zip or rar called supersecret thats password locked you get the code once you complete the game it contains some concept art and alpha footage
Completely stuck in the storage/machine room/study section. Need to find 3rd rod but looked everywhere... Prob best not to start filling thread with spoilers though.

I'm definitely finding this game unnerving in parts.
Just finished the game, enjoyed it a lot. Ending wasn't great, left me with a lot of questions. Still didn't know by the end who the girl was who was referred to in the loading screens. Was also shorter than I expected, about 7 hours which went way too fast.

Really hope they can make something even better next time.
Could someone who's played through the game tell me how far in the Storage part is?

I've been watching some Let's Play videos to get a feel for the game. Hope I haven't spoiled it too much. =/
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Could someone who's played through the game tell me how far in the Storage part is?

I've been watching some Let's Play videos to get a feel for the game. Hope I haven't spoiled it too much. =/
That's the second hub right? Probably 1/3 of the way through. Don't watch Let's Play, you'll spoil it for yourself.
yeah looks like bad news for Frictional:

"“We were hoping a really successful release would make us 100% unworried about finances, but that is not what has happened. Even though reviews keep coming in from major outlets and we keep pushing out marketing material (videos, release of tools, etc) sales are dropping fast. Around 50% of our current earnings were made in less than a week and on pre-orders from before release. The sales were at the top during the last hour of the Steam 20% discount, and has since dropped almost exponentially, being pretty much halved each day.”

When compared to sales of a similar profile release on other formats, such as XBLA, Frictional say they’re somewhat disappointed. What’s been the cause of the slightly underwhelming sales? “Piracy? People waiting for future massive discounted sales? Game too scary / niche? Right now we have not got a clue,” wrote Grip, “but hopefully it will become clearer further on.”

Amnesia: The Dark Descent scored a very favourable 8.3 out of 10 at BeefJack last week. You can purchase the game via Steam, GamersGate, and the official website.

real shame
yeah looks like bad news for Frictional:

What’s been the cause of the slightly underwhelming sales? “Piracy? People waiting for future massive discounted sales? Game too scary / niche? Right now we have not got a clue,” wrote Grip, “but hopefully it will become clearer further on.”

for me its that surround/SLI isnt working correctly in the demo
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