This is me using the actual Steam thread instead of starting a new one because i'm cool
but if i don't get an answer, i'll be angry
I said this already in the Deus Ex thread, but i wondered if i could get some info on something.
Basically atm i am having to turn my 'net off at around midnight, so last night i did that but then had a bsod, so i started up again but when trying to start Deus ex again it came up with a message saying "updating Steam" and then when i tried to start in offline mode it came up with the message "No connection to network" or something similar
This hasn't happened before, but it does everytime i try to start in offline mode now(and it doesn't happen on my laptop which hasn't been connected to the internet for ages)
Is it something to do with Stean Cloud maybe? Why does it say Steam updating all of a sudden?