You live in a different world to the one I do hah - around here that kind of stuff like in some TV shows of groups of friends moving in together tends to be more the exception than the rule - either people's lives just don't come together like that at the same time and/or people just don't have that kind of relationship with their friends and probably more people are single or not in that kind of relationship to move in together than are in a relationship where moving in together is a possibility.
Living with parents or moving back to parents is a more realistic proposition but not everyone has that possibility.
I completely agree.
People move to where the jobs are out of necessity, not where their childhood friends are living.
I live in the North West and rents are £500 a month in dodgy places in the city, that's half your salary gone if you're on min wage. Some people are just living in a different world if they think people are complaining they can't afford a mansion in Kensington on a admin salary etc.