And your free Xbox Arcade game is

I'm happy with getting a free game :) My 360 was barely switched on over Xmas/New Year and so I never experience a single problem.

That's 13 free Arcade games I've got now - 10 for the friend recommendation, Hexic HD, Carcassone, and now this. :) xbox has just gone off for repair and it's unlikely it'll be back in time for me to download the free game.

Could you recover your account on a friends 360 or someone you trust and know here and they could download it for you then it will be free to download when you get it back?
why are some people loving it? you've lost loads of money through the service not being available. I bet you wouldn't be so happy if your electricity supply was out as much as Xbox Live was.
why are some people loving it? you've lost loads of money through the service not being available. I bet you wouldn't be so happy if your electricity supply was out as much as Xbox Live was.

Electricity is slightly more important to my day to day living than X-Box Live ;) And it's hardly 'loads', it's £40 at most for a year so at most, if you've been affected for a full month, you've lost £3.33.
Hmm nice, I was barely effected by it as I didnt play much over the holidays and only recall once not being able to get on XBL.
I assume he was being sarcastic from the "you've lost loads of money through the service not being available."

I mean... If anything I gained from it. Because I went out and discovered friends and found out that real women exist outside. So I came to the conclusion Haly is real. Woh a real girl on the internets... my palms are getting sweaty already.

lol sorry.

In all seriousness though I think I have a valid point, when my web host goes down I get over it and do something else, when we get a power cut (happened the over day) I amuse myself and play with fire, when I have no internets I watch the crap that is TV.
why are some people loving it? you've lost loads of money through the service not being available. I bet you wouldn't be so happy if your electricity supply was out as much as Xbox Live was.

the service was poor for 3 weeks at most. that's about £2.30 down the pan for me as I pay £40 a year for live! oh woe is me.

hardly "loads of money". and it's the first ever major outage for xbox live. sure, there have been hiccups in the past, but that's completely understandable.
I assume he was being sarcastic from the "you've lost loads of money through the service not being available."

I mean... If anything I gained from it. Because I went out and discovered friends and found out that real women exist outside. So I came to the conclusion Haly is real. Woh a real girl on the internets... my palms are getting sweaty already.

lol sorry.

In all seriousness though I think I have a valid point, when my web host goes down I get over it and do something else, when we get a power cut (happened the over day) I amuse myself and play with fire, when I have no internets I watch the crap that is TV.
Haha :D

Yeah I manage to find other things to do. If all else fails because half the world shuts down for the day, there's always a book or outdoors....outdoors is only if I get reallllllllllllllllllllly desperate though ;):D
Ah well, better than nothing. I would rather have just had the points to get the Forza packs. Then again, I would rather XBL didnt go down in the first place, I dont care about the compensation, I care about the service working.
Live was never actually down though, just a bit slow and the matchmaking borked, but we had great player matches on COD4, it aint always about ranking up :D
How much money do you think MS would lose if everyone who had problems, just didn't bother to renew their Live subs?
why are some people loving it? you've lost loads of money through the service not being available. I bet you wouldn't be so happy if your electricity supply was out as much as Xbox Live was.

I know. I'm struggling to pay the bills this month as a result. :(
I can't complain with the free game :)
I haven't even switched my Xbox 360 on for the past few months
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