It's a goodwill gesture, that's all. They don't have to offer anything.
You worded that like it's a hypothetical situation..did you actually do what you said?
The logistics of offering a month's free live would be far, far too involved - having to cancel and restart direct debits (monthly and annual) would incur such large costs it's just not worth doing.
It's just one of those things people, no big deal. Annoying, sure. Nothing more than that. I pay about 4 quid a month for a superb service, one that lets me play great games online, download demos, arcade games, rent movies etc. I'm more than happy.
You're right, it is a hypothetical situation and no I didn't do that, but let me make a couple of things clearer and why I think it's a bad decision, all none-hypothetical.
I pay roughly £40 a year for Live, that equates to roughly .76p a week. FANTASTIC deal, really it is.
Live has been going for 5 years, and while the service hasn't been 'off' altogether, it's been restricted, broken, simply hasn't done what it's intended to.
Altogether, the services has been off for about 3 to 4 weeks, some it was 2, others 1, others 3½, it's irrelevant, but for the most, and under Microsofts admission, the services has been down approximately 2-3 week.
Now I don't expect 1 month in return. It would be 'nice' if I'd have a week back, maybe even 2, but for the sake of a MAXIMUM loss of £3.04 I'm not really gonna quibble that much.
Personally, I'm in the group of people that aren't really bothered about the loss of service. It was annoying, but it wasn't an inconvenience to me, I didn't get irate like some did, I simply ejected COD4 and played something else.
But, if we got a refund, it would be a nice bonus, if we didn't, then so what - as people have said, Microsoft DON'T HAVE TO at all!
However what has now transpired which winds me up a little, is Microsoft have decided to apologise. Thanks Jay and the team, no worries mate, I accept your apologies, here's to another 5 years of excellent service and fantastic price.
But they've also said what paramounts to:
Have a game, free of charge.
If you own it already, phone us up, we'll swap it.
If you don't like it - tough!
So there are people around the world, paying the same as me, that had the same inconvenience as me who will welcome this game.
There are people in the world who already have this game, and they'll get something else.
But there are also people in the world, who haven't got this game, don't like it (that's not been ungrateful), but will receive NOTHING!
That's what annoys me. Live going down was no big deal, it's not the end of the world and nor is this.
I just don't think Microsoft are been especially fair on this.