~*Anime*~ fans rejoice : Japan to produce real Gundam

Lol.....sensitive young soul aren't you?:D

Do you think that Hentai is not a little weird?

I could list plenty of weird 'western' things as well :p

And as posted above, there's nothing wrong with Futurama, Family Guy, Simpsons etc, but anime is cartoons for kids?
like most forms of television, it is predominantly children and young adults that watch and enjoy them.

Fixed it for you :)

homicidal rapist penis tentacles bursting out of a teenagers head kinda freaks me out to be honest.....:p

Porn involving feces and "toys" that look like they came from a kitchen or a hospital room freaks me out doesn't mean all live action film is either kids shows or twisted...
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I could list plenty of weird 'western' things as well :p

No doubt......

And as posted above, there's nothing wrong with Futurama, Family Guy, Simpsons etc, but anime is cartoons for kids?

Animé are cartoons......whether they are aimed a children or not is purely based upon the individual content. However if you read the other post I have written you will see I have already pointed this out.....

Predominantly however, Animé is the domain of teenagers and the younger generation and the content of a significant portion of it is aimed at that demographic.
Fixed it for you :)

No, you haven't...because that isn't true. The majority of Television is aimed a a generic broad audience.

Porn involving feces and "toys" that look like they came from a kitchen or a hospital room freaks me out doesn't mean all live action film is either kids shows or twisted...

I didn't say it was...nor did I say all Animé was either...so I don't really understand why you can't actually keep on topic rather than ascribing positions to me that I clearly haven't made.....

unless you have no other valid argument than to invent a position to argue against.

The very word Hentai means "Weird/Strange" the term hentai seiyoku means sexual perversion.....
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I do think Hentai is weird yes... It is basically cartoon porn.
There is also anime which are targeted specifically at children but that is a sub category of a varied medium. It looked like you were saying all anime was aimed at children.
I came across a little strong because your posts are generally very intelligent so I was a bit mystified when you jumped on the anime bashing bandwagon... sorry :p
I do think Hentai is weird yes... It is basically cartoon porn.
There is also anime which are targeted specifically at children but that is a sub category of a varied medium. It looked like you were saying all anime was aimed at children.
I came across a little strong because your posts are generally very intelligent so I was a bit mystified when you jumped on the anime bashing bandwagon... sorry :p

Not all my posts in this thread are entirely serious...the ignorance of Gundam for example.....(I will dig out my Gundam if I can find...:eek:)

No not all animé, but I was pointing out the predominant market is teenagers and young adults.....and the content of much of it is aimed at that demographic.

Adult themes and content doesn't necessarily mean that it is not aimed at the 13-25 demographic, much like many other mediums their is significant crossover and most people first experience Animé as children and the medium itself largely reflects that.

In my opinion anyway.
No, you haven't...because that isn't true. The majority of Television is aimed a a generic broad audience.

It is, but its also watched mostly by children and teens, as adults usually have other things to do.

I didn't say it was...nor did I say all Animé was either...so I don't really understand why you can't actually keep on topic rather than ascribing positions to me that I clearly haven't made.....

You didn't say it was, but you did say that anime was hence my comparison to try and prove anime wasn't. and if you hadn't taken the thread off on this tangent we would still be discussing the retarded Japanese giant robot idea.
It is, but its also watched mostly by children and teens, as adults usually have other things to do.

That is anecdotal at best......in my experience the adults in our house watch more televison than the kids....who are generally playing outside or mucking about on minecraft etc.....my son rarely watches TV, and if he does it is Youtube.

You didn't say it was, but you did say that anime was hence my comparison to try and prove anime wasn't. and if you hadn't taken the thread off on this tangent we would still be discussing the retarded Japanese giant robot idea.

You need to lighten up a little.......

and Mags mentioned Animé in his OP title...so not really off topic...especially given the thread content.
and Mags <specifically> mentioned Animé in his OP title...so not really off topic...especially given the thread content.

Just a little amendment there. This thread can exist on at least two levels : (1) OMG, mecha are cool and I want to be one when I grow up and (2) Anime rocks because I get to NO DAD YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND ANIME IS AN ART YOU WESTERN PHILISTINE!
[FnG]magnolia;22233012 said:
Just a little amendment there. This thread can exist on at least two levels : (1) OMG, mecha are cool and I want to be one when I grow up and (2) Anime rocks because I get to NO DAD YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND ANIME IS AN ART YOU WESTERN PHILISTINE!


It's all real you know.....really it is....I have the proof on tape.

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