Anyone know how to send out search parties? I keep getting those quests to do but I have to decline as I don't know how to do them.
I think you just need to move the ship into the area you scout and you'll see an icon appear above your ship, telescopic looking icon.
How do I aquire the rights to get flour seeds off Northburgh?
Find it quite difficult to make a decent amount of gold from taxes in this game.
How long is one continuous game supposed to last?
I just get the feeling I'm doing it wrong as it's going so slow, I've got 3 islands now and I'm making quite abit of profit but I'm only up to patricians, seems to take a long time making sure everyone is happy and getting resources around unless that is normal? Is it just a time consuming game, I've spent about 8 hours so far!
so i got citizens, all needs are met but they are slightly hungery, i have shipped dates to them but it dosent seem enough, they are bored of fish, i also cant see how you build weat farms, anyone had this issue and worked around it?
so i got citizens, all needs are met but they are slightly hungery, i have shipped dates to them but it dosent seem enough, they are bored of fish, i also cant see how you build weat farms, anyone had this issue and worked around it?