Quartz is only found on orient (desert) islands. If you click the bar at the top that shows you the fertilities, it'll bring up another little box with the mineable stuff it contains, like iron, stone, quartz etc. If it has the purple rock, it has quartz. If you then click on that purple rock, it'll take you to a quartz deposit. Plant a quartz mine there, just like you would a stone mine, and you'll start getting quartz.
From there, you need potash and a glass smelter to make glass. You can make a potash building (forest glassworks i think) on an occidental island, and ship the potash over, or use a noria to make a piece of artificial green land, and make potash on your orient island. Then make a glass smelter, and they'll use those two to make glass. Ship the glass back to your main island and bob's your grandma.