Right sorry to be such a pain but it is bugging me. Can someone confirm and help me with a check list for mission 4?
I don't know what difficulty you're on, so I'm doing it on medium.
Right, here's the order that I've done everything:
First things first. Build a warehouse near Brother Hilarius and connect it to him with a road. This is so you can buy tools off him, because you won't have enough to get to tool production without buying any. Also, build another 2 lumberjack huts next to this warehouse, to give you some more wood.
If you also go looking for the children after this with your ship, you'll find a few tools at the reef.
After that, start by building a stone mine, directly north of your harbour, and an extra fisherman, then build plenty of houses around your market, until you have enough citizens to produce tools.
Then, build a warehouse, a coal burner, an iron mine, an iron smelter, and two toolmakers at an iron deposit.
After this, I built 4 hemp farms and 2 linen weavers, 2 more cider farms, and a load more houses (I had 10 peasant houses + 37 citizen houses at this point). I also built a tavern for the citizens.
At this point, you should have about +200 income (at euphoric tax level), with plenty of resources and happy people.
Now build a repair crane, for the quest. Take the gift to the Grand Vizier.
Now build another hemp farm, and a ropeyard on your main island. Take 3t of ropes to the wrecked ship, as the quest says.
Take your new ship back to your settlement, drop the child off, then fill it up with resources (take either 80t wood + 40t tools or 40t wood + 80t tools, along with the 25t dates).
I was on around +100 income at this point, so it's time to colonize a desert island. Take the caravel to the desert island, and place your new harbour.
On the desert island, build:
1 market building (a regular one, not a desert one)
1 small noria
2 date plantations
1 bazarr
and surround it with as many nomad huts as possible.
You'll probably be in negative balance for a bit, but when you build more nomad huts, that should balance out. Send your ship back to the main island, and take some more wood + tools to your new settlement, to build more huts with.
You could also build another tool production chain on your main island if you want, but I was quite short on cash, and building another one would put me into negative balance again. If you're on Easy conditions you probably could do this.
When you have enough nomad huts (I have 32), build 2 spice huts, and set up a trade route with a ship so that the spice gets taken back to your first island.
You should now have patricians on your main island. Build another market, give it a tavern and chapel (you might only need a chapel if the current tavern covers enough area), and surround it with houses. It might take a while to build all these, because I'm low on cash, but I have about +150 income, and rising, so the cash should keep coming.
Now that most of the houses have advanced to patricians, you should have at least +400 income (33 patrician houses, 23 citizen houses, 14 peasant houses). If you haven't already, this is where I built a second tool production chain. Now build another stone mine, 4 wheat farms, 2 flour mills, and 2 bakeries.
With +300 income, I loaded up another ship with tools and wood, and took it over to the desert island. From there, I built another warehouse, another small noria, and 2 goat farms. I also built the warehouse near Karim so I could hook them up. Take the child he gives you back to your main island.
Follow the next quest and visit the Grand Vizier. Take the letter to the miners, along with 5t spices and 10t of tools. Take the gift to the vizier, and the children back to your main island again.
At the same time, construct a couple of carpet production lines on the desert island. 2 silk farms, 2 indigo farms, and 2 carpet workshops, if you have room. If not, 1 might suffice. Take 3t of carpets to the grand vizier to get an oriental warship.
If you need to, build some more nomad huts or houses, to keep yourself in positive balance. Build a weapons smithy on your main island, don't bother making new iron for it, just place it next to your current iron smiths, you only need 5t weapons anyway right now.
Find the corsair ship, take 5t weapons to the grand vizier, arm a ship with the boarding party, board the corsair ship, and take the children back to your island.
You should have quite a few weapons and ropes now, so build a small shipyard and make 3 small warships. You can make more, but 3 is enough. If you destroyed the first corsair ship instead of boarding it, you may want to make 4 warships.
Now send all 6 of your warships (the oriental warship, flagship, 3 small warships, and corsair ship) to the enemy, and destroy them. Take the child to your main island, and that's that mission completed.
Here's how my islands were set out at the end:
(sorry for the poor quality, the in-game screenshot button is terrible, it downsizes all my screenshots and blurs them)