Annoying words that people use

MT01XP said:
'Basically' - Sorry, just because your intellect is sub-par it doesn't mean that I require a summarisation and am incapable of forming my own conclusions.

'At the end of the day' - It's not the end of the day, nor the end of this conversation, as much as you'd like it to be!

'You know' - Maybe I do, maybe I don't, perhaps that's why you've just told me?

'Mate' - I'm not your NO SWEARING mate.

'Bruv' - I'm fairly confident that there is virtually no possibility of us being from the same gene pool, let alone being brothers!

'Cheers' - As much as I'd like to be holding a pint, I'm not, so NO SWEARING off.

'To be honest' - So apart from this, the rest of the crap coming out of your mouth has been lies?

'Safe' - WTF? Are you going to crack it or award it a BSI Kitemark?

'Seen' - Seen what? A flying pig?

'Whatever' - Including you're a NO SWEARING

Ooopsy! :p

It's been a while since I scrutinsed the NO SWEARING forum rules. Apologies to those who took offence. :)

I'd best add to the list:

"D'ya know whot (sic) I mean?"
Another vote for some of the classics:

  • "d'you know what I mean?"
After every sentence
  • "at the end of the day"
After every other sentence. These first two have precisely the same meaning (none) and are 100% interchangeable. Sometimes you may be lucky enough to hear them consecutively!
  • "to be honest"
As MT01XP pointed out - "Oh so you were lying until now?"


  • "your hot"
(a Myspace favourite)
  • "battry" and "fammly"
Hello people, there are additional syllables to be enjoyed here! Anyone fancy a Domnoes pizza?

One of the most annoying ones is that kind of irritated squeaking tutting noise that wannabe gangsta black teenagers do when they try to barge past you on the bus and you don't roll out the red carpet and kneel before them.

I could go on but I'm annoying myself...
I just hate it when people say, in response to something such as "You're probably the fattest person I've ever seen", say "I could care less"

Saying "so" at the end of each sentence.

And the use of "It's like, wow, I was like..."

Why do people also say "haache" (for H) instead of "aache"?
I've never seen so many grumpy old gits cluster into one area of the internet before :p

Oh god MT01XP is back. Watch out lads, open your mouth and you WILL annoy him.
sniffy said:
I've never seen so many grumpy old gits cluster into one area of the internet before :p

Oh god MT01XP is back. Watch out lads, open your mouth and you WILL annoy him.

OcUK forums, the grumpiest collection of overclockers on the internet...typical topics for discussion are, and usually in this order of popularity:
daily mail
things they hate
and foreigners
justinwilkin said:
Skeet is a word that really grinds my ears.

I don't even know what it means and already I want to bash my face against a brick wall every time I hear it.
do you watch chappelle's show?

"You know what's so dope about "skeet"? It's that white people don't know what it means yet... When they figure it out, they're going to be like, "My God, what have we done?!"
I seem to end a lot of my sentances with 'didn't I'. I annoy myself by doing it!

I really hate the way some people's voice's go up at the end of every sentance, like their asking a question! :mad: Makes me so angry! :mad:
Usher said:
& the absolute multitude who don't know the difference between there & their

Correction: They're, there and their.

Like many, ignorance of such a simple concept in the English language makes me want to gouge my eyeballs out.

I know a few of people who talk in the most retarded way:

"I asked him about so and so so and he said so and so and I was like RAAAAR"

"We went over there and I was like EKKKRAAAAAAR"

"This one time I did this and it was like totally RAAAAAAR"

Really? WTF? I don't know what the inaudible noise you added at the end of the sentence is supposed to signify. I like to finish a sentence with an actual word and not a random scream/ noise!
allllec said:
its the chavs that get me; zoot, hench, henny, next etc... yes the word next appearntly means like awesome or excellent or something

and i say like to much

its like WTF :mad:

Yes, you do :p

Edit: The need to be verbose with a lot of people is due to insecurity in whether you are listening to them. Examples, most of which have already been mentioned:
"That is what we will do, yeah?"
"That is what we will do, right?"
"Anyway, I did that."
"So what do you want to do today."
"Like I went to the shop and it was like really hot outside"
"At the end of the day this is what life is like"
"Well, of course I did."
"To tell you the truth, it's not exactly rocket science"

And adding "lol" to your own jokes (even worse if capitalized) or in real life actually laughing at them:
"I went to the park and shouted at some chavs LOL"
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Not so much words but I find it amusing when people use phrases without understanding them. Quite often to the point where they are actually saying the wrong words. Works even better when posted on forums. You can just tell they've heard it being used and are just using it to make themselves sound cleverer than they are.

Best example I can think of is people saying "For all intensive purposes" when they mean "To all intents and purposes"
Lunatic Dreyfus said:
"Excuse me."

As a postman these words send a shiver down my spine. It's always the start of some kind of hassle.

Does it end with "Got any spare laggy bands, mate?" :D
When im taking on the phone .

I say "bum bum" when im doing something like getting a pen.

ive been told that's very annoying and i dont even know im doing it.
I got accosted by this charity type person with a clipboard in Stoke today. They kept substituting 'axe' for ask! What the hell's that all about? I asked her why she kept saying 'axe' but she just had that dumb vacant "u w0t?" look on her face.
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