***Anonymous Confessions Thread v3***

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Well the only ones I don't post are:

Depression ones saying they hate life and want to kill themselves then asking for advice - no medical threads allowed.

And the other was someone admitting to raping his wife, which I posted but everyone said was too far so I deleted.

If it doesn't fall underthose two categories then it simply did not come through, resend it.

Mine wasn't depressive I didn't think! I'll try resend it though. I'll blame the anon email I sent it by. ;)
When I was in my teens, about 13 or 14, during the six week holiday the local swimming pool used to have what they call 'crazy time'. It used to be most afternoons where they would inflate either a slide or an animal where all the kids climb and slid down for an afternoon of fun, play on floating mats and balls.

This one time, once 'crazy time' finished, me and my mates stayed in the pool and carried on playing, diving in the deep end, bombing etc. Not long into it we got bored, fingers all crinkled and eyes bright red from the chlorine. One mate decided he needed a number two, so we dared him to 'do a floater', sure enough, without much trying, he was able to drop what’s better known as a little rabbit dropping, whilst funny, it wasn't quite what we expected. When that popped to the surface, he push the water so it was go into the gutter around the edge of the pool and once the coast was clear he cupped his hands and managed to throw the rabbit dropping to the corner of the room near a large plant.

Now, still laughing I decided to have a go, now I didn't even need one, so gave a big push just to see what I could bring out and to my horror and released, what I would describe as the perfect poo, perfectly shaped and it floated with little trouble. Panic sank in now, I had this floater bobbing about on the surface of the pool, my mates backed away laughing so hard they couldn't swim properly, chocking on water with tears in their eyes, sreaming and pointing, pushing the water and splashing the floater away from them.

So, like my mate did, I pushed the floater to the gutter, then cupped my hands and tried to threw the floater to the corner of the room by the big plant.

It took two attempts, the first time was with shear panic and I rushed it, it went straight back in the pool, mates splashing the water again and laughing. Second attempt was near perfect, but didn't land by the big plant. Instead it landed on this large suitcase, right by the handle, it was a first aid training case with one of them dolls you train people on to help with first aid. So, now my mates were laughing harder, great!

Panic set in further, my mates were in hysterics, I was pale, twice as worried now so decided to get out the pool. I didn't shower or dry myself, just put my clothes on ran up to the viewing room and then saw a group of life guards round the suitcase, scratching their heads, looking at each other wandering what it was, smirking and deciding who was going to deal with it. Mean while I saw my mates get out the pool, I left, waited for my mates down the road who decided to get out the pool.

I'm 35 now and it’s still a topic of discussion when we all meet up for beers.

I was wanted nationwide for armed robbery twice by the time i was 22 although i was never convicted. I also spent time in the old death row cells in norwich prison and slept quite soundly in the cell they used to keep you in the night before they took you down for hanging. I've also been in a number of other prisons and institutions and honestly cannot explain who i was then to who i am now as i don't understand it myself.

Confess! Confess!

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