***Anonymous Confessions Thread v3***

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Hi again, Lucy here :)

Not really a confessional as such, more just a thank you to everyone
who wished me luck!

A few posts I want to address - firstly whoever asked for an open,
non-anonymous thread - great idea that I've toyed with in the past,
however I know certain members of my family browse the forums from
time to time, and given I can't have a separate forum ID which would
deflect any potential issues arising before I want them to, if I
decide to post an open thread it will be late into the whole
transitioning process, and maybe even after everything is done and the
dust has settled in my personal life.

To the guy who pleaded with me not to be convincing - well I can walk
down the high street on a saturday afternoon, go for a coffee and shop
in women's clothes mostly without anyone raising an eyebrow. To
someone who knows what they're looking for, I'm not perfect and very
occasionally I'm completely 'read' as in spotted. Unfortunately if
it's Miss Chavvy McChav pushing her brood round town in a buggy I've
been subject to the 'IT'S A TRANNY - LOOK LOOK ITS A MAN IN A SKIRT'
which isn't pleasant. Confidence is everything though, drop your eyes
and your shoulders and you've given the game away. If I notice anyone
taking a closer look for suspicious reasons I'll make full eye contact
and smile my sweetest smile. It usually works

I have a credit card in my female name, and there's quite a few shops
that are my regular haunts and the staff there all know me, they know
my history and they treat me with the greatest of respect and dignity.

To sum it up, I tend to get chatted up much more than spotted as a
bloke in women's clothes - which is strange as I have to politely
decline the advance as men just aren't my thing.

On the other side of that, I do like the company of men when I'm Lucy
- not in a sexual way or looking to be spoiled, it's just I've
identified with females all my life so the whole 3rd party male thing
is still a little bit of a mystery that I'm trying to unravel.

Any more genuine questions, ask away and I'll try to answer them as
best I can

L xx

All fantasy.
OP should be chained to a PC to provide regular updates. Lack of fresh lolworthy material this morning makes me sad :(

Im bored cmon :(
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