***Anonymous Confessions Thread v3***

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Whoever invented that story needs to proof read it. Basically implies he's hung like a horse but can only last a few seconds :p "we had an orgy but didn't last that long"

Also thought it was a Ferrari now suddenly a Bugatti? :p

Ocuk can definitely not call itself a family forum anymore reading some of these "confessions" lol

Bring on the non fake funny ones ! :D
I once cut in half my temporary house mates internet cable as he downloading torrents 24/7, it ran under a carpet poor sod had no idea why he could not get onto the internet
I have only had sex with one person, my girlfriend of 3 years and the first was a fling. I found out today that a fling I had 4 years ago, no sex, gave me hsv1 that has transferred to my genitals due to a scratch of my nose cold sore.

I feel sick, I am scared to tell my girlfriend who I don't think will believe me I was thinking about proposing to her. I fear she will leave me, and I am scared if she does I will never be able to find anyone who will accept a herpes freak. I think I will even consider suicide if she I feel cheated, my friends sleep around every weekend and have never got anything, I have got something for life because of the stupidest thing I have ever heard of, I couldn't believe it when the doctor confirmed it from the swab tests.
Herpes dude, don't worry. It's one of the most common things ever. Mind you, while I do get cold sores (and was the one to transfer such propensity to my wife -- ooops!) I've never had it in the junk.

So... I guess that might be different...
I’ve done quite a few things that only as I’ve matured realised how much of a **** I was. Best I can explain why I’ve done what I’ve done, is simply just chavvy mentality of having a “laugh”. I am genuinely ashamed and like I said only realised what I **** I was once i entered my 20s. Onto the **** I’ve done, taken part in or been involved in.

Me and on few mates (me being the ring leader) used to chill out at this flat in a pretty run down estate area not far from where we lived. The owner or occupant of this flat was 25-26 year old woman who was “slightly” slow or thick. Anyhow to the point one day we (about 6 of us, around 15-16 yr olds) set up a game of Ouija board with whatever we could find at her flat. We spelt out on the made up Ouija board, “give everyone a BJ” and with her being a bit dim we all ended up getting BJ’s one after another.

At the same flat above a few of us got drunk and thought it would be fun urinating in the girls shampoo bottles, moisturiser and kettle. As far as I’m aware she continued using these items unaware. We also urinated on her clothes, but I think she washed these. Another time we set off fireworks in her make up drawers.

At another flat, a guy in his 40’s and a heroin user, we made him a cup of tea which was approx 50% water and 50% urine, which he drank.

At the same flat above (the guys) we went over one day to find him pretty much out of his head on heroin (or whatever he was taking) fast asleep, semi-conscious on his sofa. Anyhow we thought It would be funny to turn on his gas fire heater full blast and moved his sofa with him on it inches away from it. We pretty much roasted him for 2 hours before he clicked on, not burning him but pretty much roasting him. Let’s just say he was red roar when he awoke with us all laughing in hysterics.

We also threw loads of his clothes and furniture out of the balcony one evening.

At another flat with two girls in their early twenties I ended up getting them arrested and sent to prison. One of the girls I hit on ended up fancying my mate which I was pretty jealous of. Anyhow as we proceeded to their flat we discovered a massively fat woman being held against her will at this flat naked, so the two girls can scam her benefit payments. Anyway after a few drinks she was making moves with my mate and the other girl (I didn’t fancy) was with me. We ended up needing to go to the shop to pick up some drinks or rizlers can’t remember which but I convinced my mate to call the cops on the girls and for what he thought was to help the fat girl, but my motives were less than honourable as I didn’t want him to get off with the girl I fancied. The two girls actually served time for this.

At school me and a few mates would routinely go around at break and lunch times stealing other student’s cigarettes off them. They could say nothing to the teachers as they weren’t supposed to have cigarettes in the first place.

There was this other girl, whist I was not involved in a lot of the stuff the happened to her I was involved in some. She again was a bit thick/slow and when here parent used to be out of her house we would routinely go over to her house and steal things. This went on for months but like I said I was only involved a couple of times. The other lads used to get bj’s off her and once I heard one of the lads shave her private area.

There were a bunch of girls that we used to hang out with and me and my mates must have got at least a hundred bj’s off these girls over the space of a few months. God knows why they would but they didn’t care and it was normal just to pick one of them at random and get a BJ. Once this guy a “mate” came over and he was snogging the **** out of one of the girls. The rest of us were in hysterics as two of the lads had just got BJ’s of her moments earlier and then this guy was playing tongues with her and no one told him.

There was a shop near us and the owner was an old senile man. Anyhow one of us used to distract him by getting him to get something from a high shelf or whatever it was and the rest of us used to fill up. This went on for at least a year.

There was this other woman in her thirties late twenties who we got to know and we used to smoke weed at her place. One day she went into her bedroom and came back with a small guitar case, or violin or whatever it was. It about 50-60cm long and 30cm wide and when she opened it, it was full of chronic. Don’t know why she showed us but we smoked a few joints from that stash. Anyhow fast forward a few weeks we ended up stealing the whole lot from her whilst she was in the toilet.

Me and my cousin met these two girls. One of them really really fancied me but she was a bit hard up. So I used to get bj’s off here mate whilst she was only around the corner, she actually cried once as she couldn’t understand why I was going with her mate as she knew I knew that she really fancied me.

When one of my mates got his first car (first one from the lot of us) we used to go up to these woods in the middle of know where and smoke weed/drink etc. Anyhow we once took up this lad who was pretty much wasted and when he got out to take a urine we drove off and left him there. We went back about 10mins later to find him out of guilt but he was nowhere to be seen. He did manage to make it home though somehow.

This is only some of the **** I have done/been involved in, I could go on a few more pages. There’s other more serious criminal stuff as well but don’t think that would be appropriate posting.

I know it’s absolutely disgusting looking at it now and I am truly ashamed. When I think back it doesn’t feel like I did the said things, like it was a completely different person doing these things, which is true in some way as I’m a completely different person now. I just hope the people involved can forgive my own actions.

haha, that confession about crabs reminded me of this

I worked as a chef in my youth and had an unfortunate infestation of crabs at the time, when i was bored i would sneak off and pluck one or two of the pesky little nippers and put it in the next order that interrupted the quiet time. This happened on more than one occasion....

There was nothing worse than a table ordering 2 minutes before the kitchen was due to shut and I'm not ashamed to say but I've also spat in food and had no issues in picking food up off the floor.
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