Another free DOD:S weekend

Semiskimmed said:
tauren, ill join you mate through xfire later on.

monkee, ive just added you so we can join each other :D

Wicked. I was playing on a fragmasters server yesterday, its even full now, so that is deffo a good server. I am /Tauren\ ingame. I'll be on around 11pm for sure. As thats when i get in from work. I love the garand now its such an awesome gun :D

Edit.. I find myself getting twice as manyk ills as deaths sometimes and being second on the board. lol. But im not usually that good :P

Off to work :O
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-Tauren- said:
Wicked. I was playing on a fragmasters server yesterday, its even full now, so that is deffo a good server. I am /Tauren\ ingame. I'll be on around 11pm for sure. As thats when i get in from work. I love the garand now its such an awesome gun :D

Edit.. I find myself getting twice as manyk ills as deaths sometimes and being second on the board. lol. But im not usually that good :P

Off to work :O

I see what you mean about kills/deaths/points. By and large, you get a lot of people who're mainly just trying to get lots of kills. I don't class myself as being like that - I prefer to sit back and cover people as they go for the objective - you'll always see me providing cover as I see myself as a better shot than most :)

im still trying to get BF2 syndrome out of the way, trying not to just go round like a mad man trying to clock up points for my stats. need to get back to overall gameplay and team effort, which dod:s more than allows
You could preload last time they did a free w/e.
Then login on the day and you could play.

Really love the new detonation maps!
they look :eek:

Its a real bargin for £13 ;)
devianz said:
You could preload last time they did a free w/e.
Then login on the day and you could play.

Really love the new detonation maps!
they look :eek:

Its a real bargin for £13 ;)

Yeah mate DoD is a real bargain, crackin' game.
I have been trying to preload but it wont let me... I click on the link to preload it but it just takes me to the screen on steam where i can pay for it but no preload option... :confused:
It was an ok game tonight, although that map, the germans never seem to get anywhere unless they work as a damn team which i think they just dont know how to do.
dark_shadow said:
I think we should all get together at a set time.

What do you all think? :)

Yeah, that'd be fun - I've got a TS server we can use (16 man only I'm afraid).

Sorry I didn't play with ya, Tauren - was far too tired to game by 11:00 :) Had a game with SemiSkinned though - wasn't bad :)

I'm a regular DoDS player. If anyone wants to add me to xfire, I'm Socaddict, surprisingly enough. We could prehaps try taking over my clan's server, although I don't know how appreciative of it they may be, but a nice full, 24 man server is always fun. Kick off with the newer game modes? I will provide the server IP later.
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