Another free DOD:S weekend

It's a shame you felt the need to show everyone you're an idiot Maniac618 :rolleyes:

If you get pleasure from other people's displeasure then you're quite a sad person.
sniffy said:
It's a shame you felt the need to show everyone you're an idiot Maniac618 :rolleyes:

If you get pleasure from other people's displeasure then you're quite a sad person.
Yes if you had any class you would make a new steam account and load up on hacks.
Ok I've played it for a few hours now and its an ok game. Nothing special. A free game such as Enemy Territory is better. This is just campers paradise. I dont think i will be forking out £13 for it because i probably wont be playing it at all
started out tk'ing and it was much fun, then thought i'd play just to check it was a rubbish game, and yes, it's not worth £13. I mean even coming top feels rubbish whereas on CS coming top is amazing.
Maniac618 said:
started out tk'ing and it was much fun, then thought i'd play just to check it was a rubbish game, and yes, it's not worth £13. I mean even coming top feels rubbish whereas on CS coming top is amazing.

by the sounds of it, you coming top is certainly an achievement! Even on CS. :rolleyes:

EDIT to contribute: I loved the original, i was quite dissapointed when they decied to charge for the Source version but when i get my new computer i will check it out i think. Haven't really touched CS in about 2 and half years but a nice team based multiplayer game would do me well at Uni. Started buying way to many SP games to pass the odd evening where im not doing stuff.
A DS, aPC and a Wii.... thats gonna be a great combination. Still can't beat multiplayer FPS's. ET: Quake wars is shaping up nicely too. Also lets hope the online game coming with HL2: Episode 2 is TF2 an all!!
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im afraid ive given up on dod lately.....was a refreshing change at the start but has grown stale very quickly.theres just some things about it that annoy me too much....
maps seem too small and player models too big and clunky..just seems that youre always bumping into others as they push their way around.
campers paradise!! like a lot of flag capture games theres an increasing amount of "ill camp here and rack up the kill rate" attitudes.
the weapons..there appears to be no skill involved in the handling of them at all!! it feels just too deathmatch oreiented with spray n pray bullet patterns.
ho hum,dont berate me for this,just my opinion.
muzzler said:
im afraid ive given up on dod lately.....was a refreshing change at the start but has grown stale very quickly.theres just some things about it that annoy me too much....
maps seem too small and player models too big and clunky..just seems that youre always bumping into others as they push their way around.
campers paradise!! like a lot of flag capture games theres an increasing amount of "ill camp here and rack up the kill rate" attitudes.
the weapons..there appears to be no skill involved in the handling of them at all!! it feels just too deathmatch oreiented with spray n pray bullet patterns.
ho hum,dont berate me for this,just my opinion.

Yes its true there is a lot of camping involved but a bit of skillful nading can solve that problem!

Gotta agree that the weapons need tweaking, if you check out the various dod websites you can see that the spread of fire is really random. ProDod is meant to sort this out with the bullet spread being more centralised and improving various other bits!

Still enjoy the Dod:Source as it is, good for an hour or so frag session.
Barely Legal said:
Yes its true there is a lot of camping involved but a bit of skillful nading can solve that problem!

From what I have played of it so far that doesnt seem to be the case. Nade takes time to explode. Enough time for the camper to get up from his camping spot and run away
Drizmod said:
From what I have played of it so far that doesnt seem to be the case. Nade takes time to explode. Enough time for the camper to get up from his camping spot and run away

you can cook the nades, and just time it so that the guy has no chance... by the way, has anybody ever succesfully picked up a nade and threw it back?
deko said:
by the way, has anybody ever succesfully picked up a nade and threw it back?
as long as the person hasnt already primed the nade, its easy and a very effective counter attack, especially on maps such as Kalt and Flash, just takes a little bit of practice.
deko said:
by the way, has anybody ever succesfully picked up a nade and threw it back?
I'm too scared try :p

When i bought and installed CSS i then realised that i got DOD:S with it :D Good deal for £15. I now play more DOD:S than CSS, makes a nice change to COD2 as it feels more realistic with the buildings in better proportion etc. The gameplay is pretty frantic and gets really fun when there's only one flag left with the whole of the two teams either on full attack or full defend.
Man, a well placed rifle grenade can get rid of any annoying campers. I find the only maps you can really camp on are the two new ones. But you have to, to protect your vehicles/AA guns. And camping doesn't count for mg's and snipers IMO. I mean, why would you run in the middle of the battlefield with a sniper with limited visibility? :/ Ok i dont agree with camping in one spot for the entire round, as snipers do change their positions. But if thats the case, just chuck a nade in his window :D lol. Rifleman for the win anyhoo. The garand owns.
-Tauren- said:
Man, a well placed rifle grenade can get rid of any annoying campers. I find the only maps you can really camp on are the two new ones. But you have to, to protect your vehicles/AA guns. And camping doesn't count for mg's and snipers IMO. I mean, why would you run in the middle of the battlefield with a sniper with limited visibility? :/ Ok i dont agree with camping in one spot for the entire round, as snipers do change their positions. But if thats the case, just chuck a nade in his window :D lol. Rifleman for the win anyhoo. The garand owns.
Agree with that. However, i still attack when i'm a sniper as i'm used to doing it in COD2, not used to camping. I end up getting completely slaughtered though :p
you cant mistake a camper though for well placed team play when trying to get up the map. its not the game if you want to go round commando'ing on a solo ragga tip, its just not made for that and thats the reason im guessing that the weapons need to be well places and used sparingly when reloading etc, to stop people just running through people all over the map. you REALLY, REALLY do need to play as part of a team and stick together with other people to dominate the map and positions. ive had games where for ages youre stuck in one position on a map as you dont want to give it to the enemy but youre trying to get them to fall back.

theres nothing wrong with a sniper just using a certain point in the map imo, as long as theyre prepared to get gunned down when you come up behind them :p
if i get taken out by a sniper, as soon as im back on the map im after him and he better have moved/or be expecting me.
well placed snipers and mg42'ers can have a great effect on the teams gameplay, often dictating the win
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I've avoided playing this weekend. The servers are full of people expecting it to be like CS:S and are moaning because people are camping. Well duh, it's a different kind of game! There also seems to be an increase in idiots on the servers (paging Maniac618....)
steve45 said:
as long as the person hasnt already primed the nade, its easy and a very effective counter attack, especially on maps such as Kalt and Flash, just takes a little bit of practice.

my first reaction is to turn and run AWAY, not towards it lol.

i played it just now, my first attempt... lots of camping... machine guns behind sandbags are a nightmare...

im going back on for a play seeing as its free today :D
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