Thanks, so the wifi just means I can monitor remotely not start it up or anything? Was just thinking would be handy if it was a 4 hour cook I could start it up whilst at work.
Agreed.I think it's a pretty common misconception borne of the idea of slow cookers though. I totally thought that kind of functionality would be useful until I got more familiar with sous-vide cooking.
I honestly cannot say for sure if you'll get mileage from the WiFi model as only you would know that, but I can say with some degree of certainty that the Bluetooth version will do everything you need it to and more.Points taken, I'd assumed it useful but shall bow to the better knowledge and save the difference
Good choice Itchytrigg
Glad you didn't take our advice as having a dig. I've personally been through the exact same thought process and probably would've considered the wifi version had it been available at the time. I was definitely really interested in the app for similar reasons but having tried it, it isn't great (for that). What it is good for - as glitch has mentioned - is exposing you to recipes/techniques.
Trying to find out about how to cook different things at the same time. For example, if I wanted to have some sous vide carrots with my sous vide steak, do you just have to compromise?
For those two things you would, yes. They both require very different temperatures (~55C vs ~85C). That said, you could easily cook a steak then take it out whilst you do your veg for 20 minutes. The steak would easily come back to temperature when you performed the sear step at the end.
Sometimes you combine things however:
Warning, only partially starred sweary on the site linked below
Ordered up, so very excited for 5th-12th December I think eggs shall be first
I am tempted to get a second as I would like to be able to do veg alongside meat more often. I can see my wife not approving of this.
Nice one SoliD.
Check out the ChefSteps stuff (though I'd recommend halving the salt content) for some awesome ideas. Their pork shoulder steak technique is a particularly good way to demonstrate achieving results that you can only really achieve with sous-vide cooking.
Root vegetables with some herbs + butter given ~20 mins @85C before dumping the whole thing in a pan to caramelise the outside are also awesome. Parsnips and carrots work very well with this technique.
Well, it means it's smaller, and everyone has a smart phone, so I don't think it's a big deal. I'm sure I've read they're working on multi-joule per device functionality, too. Was that testing the separate clamps they'll be doing for water coolers etc, or just the basic clamp which comes with it currently?