Hi all, i'm hesitating between a Antec KÜHLER H2O 920, and air cooling : maybe the NH-D14, but this is not the subject here.
I've looked into several reviews for this Antec KÜHLER H2O 920 water cooler.
These two are the most interesting, as they also compare it to air-coolers :
What i like about this water cooler :
- it's definitely cooler than an air cooler !
- easy to mount, and NO maintenance !
- it takes less space than an air cooler
- it's less heavy on the motherboard, which could important when i'll move my computer from place to place
What i don't like about it :
- apparently it's a lot more noisy than a cheaper high end air cooler (for example the NH-D14)
- if you use it in "silent mode", then it doesn't cool more than a good air cooler
- but... maybe that you can get both low noise and good cooling, if you change the fans with silent ones (that's extra cost, but could be worth it)
- if i read well, it cools the CPU more, but it cools the motherboard less. Air coolers will cool both. So, you might have to add an additional fan for the motherboard too.
- the price, especially if you also have to get additional silent fans
- there's water inside, which still makes me a bit scared (^c^) I'm aware that this is maybe stupid. It's maybe a bit like people who are afraid to take the plane, it's hard to get over it
- i am scared that with this "no maintenance" system, it gets clogged over the years : i wouldn't want to have to change it every 1 or 2 years because it's clogged and you can't clean it
In another post
(here :
someone said that its main advantage over air cooling is the space it takes.
I'm looking for other people's views.
Tell me if i wrote anything wrong.
I hope that people who used these water cooling systems will give us insight about how they behave on the long term.