'Anti' Isalm cartoons....

Freak_boy said:
theres a difference! i cant believe someone said this after reading so many news articles/posts about this thing! issue isnt that tey have drawn a cartoon of us, its of our prophet! when middle eastern muslims draw cartoon its of people like you and me not of some holy person!

Its only holy to you! I dont care about him. Why should I be stopped from drawing whatever I want about whoever I want just because you CHOOSE to warship him.
wordy said:
Something I'd like to add tho is that it's perfectly acceptible for Al-Jazeera and other middle eastern new organisations to show terrorists be-heading westeners. but then muslims are getting bent out of shape about a bloody cartoon.

Double standards or what


Now, if you'll excuse me i'm going to draw some pictures :p
ants83 said:
"Fight those who do not believe in Allah...And the Jews say Ezra is the son of God; and the Christians say Christ is the son of God; these are the words of their mouths; they imitate the saying of those who disbelieved before; Allah's curse be on them; how they are turned away!" (Koran 9:29-30)


Now, anyone who associates thenselves with this are a disgrace.

9:12: And if they break their oaths after their agreement and (openly) revile your religion, then fight the leaders of unbelief-- surely their oaths are nothing-- so that they may desist.

9:13: What! will you not fight people who broke their oaths and aimed at the expulsion of the Messenger, and they attacked you first; do you fear them? But Allah is most deserving that you should fear Him, if you are believers.

9:14: Fight them, Allah will punish them by your hands and bring them to disgrace, and assist you against them and heal the hearts of a believing people.

yeah next time quote the surrounding verses as well! :mad:

PS> you cannot just take the translations out like that! for example: some of the verses when revealed were the response of what the nonmuslims were saying at that time.
Stiff_Cookie said:
Its only holy to you! I dont care about him. Why should I be stopped from drawing whatever I want about whoever I want just because you CHOOSE to warship him.

erm because it will incite hatred? why do you think people cant go about blacks or whatever. theres a limit to how much freedom of speech you can have!
I've asked twice and received no response ....... I'll try one more time:


Thank you for your indulgence.
Freak_boy said:
9:12: And if they break their oaths after their agreement and (openly) revile your religion, then fight the leaders of unbelief-- surely their oaths are nothing-- so that they may desist.

9:13: What! will you not fight people who broke their oaths and aimed at the expulsion of the Messenger, and they attacked you first; do you fear them? But Allah is most deserving that you should fear Him, if you are believers.

9:14: Fight them, Allah will punish them by your hands and bring them to disgrace, and assist you against them and heal the hearts of a believing people.

yeah next time quote the surrounding verses as well! :mad:

PS> you cannot just take the translations out like that! for example: some of the verses when revealed were the response of what the nonmuslims were saying at that time.

What oaths?
Exorcist said:
muslim extremists are pathetic.

they burn our flags and defile christian symbols etc and we just sit there and take it. Yet when something similar is done about their religion they go off on one. Lets just drop some bombs on them and tell them to shut the **** up :mad:

last time i checked you were already doing all this? "supposed war on afghanistan" then iraq killing so many innocents "for their benefits" supposedly!
Freak_boy said:
erm because it will incite hatred? why do you think people cant go about blacks or whatever. theres a limit to how much freedom of speech you can have!

Funnily enough people do joke about blacks and make stereotypical comments. It mainly done in public gathering points such as theatres where one man stands up on stages and recites humerous statements. Its called stand up and they stereotype blacks, asians, mexican, woman, hillbillies, just about anyone.

There were a few cartoons drawn by one person and you have a large portion of an entire religion up in arms, literally.

Like I said, we are not hear to please muslims and abide by their beliefs.

Picture of a Muslim book depicting 'positive' images of Mohammed...
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Ive not had chance to read this whole thread, but I was just watching the news and thought I would give you my tyhoughts.

Some people in the street making protests holding banners that read:

"Down with Europe"
"Behead all those that **** off Islam" (or seomthing like that)
"To hell with freedom" (something like that)

It just seemed funny that they were protesting and holding up remarks to "freedom" like that, if they were somewhere without freedom of speech there would be somebody wiping there guts from the floor because they would have been shot for starting a protest.

And down with Europe? they were in Europe for freak sake.

And behead all Islam haters? Thats just spuring on religious hatred against them, they wonder why they are discriminated against in some places when people hold banners like that.

Anyway, just some quick thaughts from me :)
I think the signs they were displaying at the rally in London earlier were disgusting.

How can they hate Europe so much but still live here?
Jørgen Bæk Simonsen said:
The postulated prohibition against images has never been a general rule for the Islamic world as a whole. 56.000 interpretations have been construed, and there as never been any general agreement.

[. . .] The prohibition against images has never been enforced with the rigor that is being contended. For this reason it is also moderately hysterical when Danish artists state this as a reason for not wanting to illustrate a book, which a Danish author for some strange reason has decided to produce

Can anyone here quote where it is 'forbidden' in the Koran?

Imam Abdul Wahid Pedersen said:
We have a prohibition in Islam against depicting living humans, animals and especially prophets, because this would be an attempt to imitate the Creation. But this prohibition only applies to Muslims, it doesn't apply to non-Muslims. Therefore I'm bound, but my neighbour is not
Wow, I've just been watching the news reports on this and they showed some muslim extremists protesting in london with placards such as the one pictured above. but some of them had things like the following:

"Europe, your 9/11 is coming"
"Massacre any who insult Islam"
"Europes Children will pay....."


Infact at one point they were chanting something along the lines of:

"Denmark, Denmark you will pay, 7/7 on it's way".

If this is not incitement to hatred then I don't know what is. I understand that the picture of the prophet (not published in British papers yet) was offensive, but surely this is just as offensive. It completely turned my stomach. How can these people be allowed to live here. They should be arrested immediatly and sent to live in afghanistan or if they are British citizens then sent to prison for the fullest extent the law allows.

They are directly supporting violent acts and using references to bombings that took place in this country not even a year ago. It is completely sick.

I'm sorry, I normally try to stay out of discussions like this, but I find it so disturbing. These news reports really upset me. The way things are going we are heading for real problems. Why the hell can't we all just get on. I'm sure the whole world is going mad. Feels like the start of a global war to me :( a bit dramatic I know but this situation could so easily get out of hand and escalate to the point where it really is a clash of civilisations.
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mark_t50 said:
Wow, I've just been watching the news reports on this and they showed some muslim extremists protesting in london with placards such as the one pictured above. but some of them had things like the following:

"Europe, your 9/11 is coming"
"Massacre any who insult Islam"
"Europes Children will pay....."


Infact at one point they were chanting something along the lines of:

"Denmark, Denmark you will pay, 7/7 on it's way".

If this is not incitement to hatred then I don't know what is. I understand that the picture of the prophet (not published in British papers yet) was offensive, but surely this is just as offensive. It completely turned my stomach. How can these people be allowed to live here. They should be arrested immedietly and sent to live in afghanistan or something.

I'm sorry, I normally try to stay out of discussions like this, but I find it so disturbing. These news reports really upset me. The way things are going we are heading for real problems. Why the hell can't we all just get on. I'm sure the whole world is going mad. Feels like the start of a global war to me :( a bit dramatic I know but this situation could so easily get out of hand and escalate to the point where it really is a clash of civilisations.

You mirrored my feelings exactly! (check a page back) Deportation would suit these guys.
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