I have read a few pages so far and shocked but at the same time thinking whether or not it’s just not enough education in this area.
Anything that happens to Muslims that catches media attention only show the negative aspects. Every time someone is on TV it’s not a Muslim with the true beliefs of Islam but instead one that says "Yeah we get treated unfair!" "Yeah we will kill!" etc.
There are a range of Muslim leaders, representatives and so on but they get given the opportunity to speak out at times when all of you are not watch the TV or in small articles in local papers. These people show the true meaning of Islam; it is a peaceful religion, in no way promotes violence and is a way of life.
The term freedom of speech - Would you people mind if I said some harsh remarks about other religions or if a Muslim country printed mocking images of Jews in the Holocaust or laughing at the supposed Jesus on the cross or something along these things? I think not. To some of you Islam is merely a hobby or a silly religion, that’s fine, we can all have our opinions. However never in the history of Islam has ANY image been printed of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) and just because its "the 21st century" doesn’t give right to break this.
Hodders said:
It also seems very inconsistent that the same people that choose to live in Britain making use of its healtcare, schooling, liberal society (which are all the result of democracy, freedom of expression and tolerance) are now complaining, often violently, against the very core the society they live in.
This isn’t a realistic view, you are implying you are doing Muslims a favour and that we spit it back? What happened to the term EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES? Who in the UK has caused violence? The media only show the extremists to intentionally give a dim view on Islam, you don’t see the real set ups, the groups educating Young Muslims correctly, the groups that don’t use violence but education, the groups that want to set the record straight but are kept quiet because they are not given the opportunity to get mainstream media attention.
Have you seen Muslim businessmen and woman? How much they contribute to the UK, no im not on about takeaway owners (stereotypical view). Gordon Brown even said it himself “Muslims in Britain play a key role in the success of the UKs economy”. You are basing your opinion of biased source, which is unfair. I could equally say Muslims are paying taxes so that people like you can take advantage of free services, would this offend you? I hope so because that is how you sound.
This may be such a minor issue to probably all of you but Islam is a way of life, which Muslims live by and to have it insulted in such a way is just unacceptable.
No Muslim has published any cartoons of the prophet (pbuh).
“We are not of their faith - why should we let them decide what we are and are not allowed to do and what the standards of 'offence' and socially acceptable behaviour is?”
This is where I discuss educational needs, do you feel that because someone is different towards your race it gives them the right to insult you? “They” as you say are not setting any standards, who is they btw? I am assuming you mean Muslims as a whole.
“they didn’t originate here”
This is going on to racial stuff, as a brief comment this country would not be as successful as it is today without “foreigners”. The dirty jobs that no white man would do were performed by non whites and as time went by they became a little more accepted and now a lot of people actually treat non whites like humans, history shows non whites were treated less than human in the UK and the US.
“Double standards or what”
You are focusing the beheadings on what? A group of 30 people? Al Jazeera is a NEWS station, they report NEWS. How can you compare this to this situation?
“Religion causes misery”
Explains why Islam is the fastest growing religion (statsically) in the world I guess and so many people are joining the Alpha course and so on.
Denmark – this country has a history of racism and specially hatred towards Muslims. Most of the parties there are set up solely against Islam.
“If people want to live without religion then so be it, it's their choice. However, just because you choose not to believe does not mean that those who do are stupid for being offended when you deliberately set out to insult them.”
Absolutely, does this mean that a person with a religion can taunt every person without a religion and shout “you’re going to hell” and put it in their face?
A long example but the comment about the wife being a ****, would you people mind if someone called your loved ones slags? After all freedom of speech….double standards.
It is unfortunate and true that thanks to the media when you see a Muslim it is “oh terrorist” and they get laughed at, this is sad but the media is to blame. I already said it but they always show the negative aspects, making people think there are no positive aspects to Islam and Muslims, there is so much good to show but they refuse. Media motto “never let the truth get in the way of a good story”.
I see a lot of double standards in opinions and I see it a lot in the media.
I personally feel that before any of you can have an opinion you do your own research into Islam, find its true meaning and then you will see it is far from dangerous. It is intended for a peaceful way of life, to live with respect and care and to worship your creator.
It is the people who are flawed, not the religion.