Arcade Fire said:
Because they're stupid? I don't know, and it's not my job to speculate as to why some idiots say the things they do.
Exactly... they are stupid, where are the mass outrages and Muslims marching against what they are saying? You watch BBC Breakfast where they went to get the reactions of Muslims at a Mosque? Not very nice i seem to remember: "This is Islam, they have offended Islam and every (really all of them?) Muslim is very angry and upset about this depiction, and they have done this as a consequence"
Arcade Fire said:
Islam hasn't committed any terrorist acts. A lot of terrorist acts have been committed by people claiming to be acting in the name of Islam, but that's different altogether, and you shouldn't let your perception of a largely peaceful and benign religion (albeit one with many flaws) be dictated by a small number of extremists.
How can that be... many Muslim Leaders dont apologise for actions by "minority groups". But when an article is published... death threats, shootings/assassinations/Fatwa's letter bombs, marches, placards inciting death to the Kafir/Infidel/Unbeliever/Non Muslim. My perception AF is drawn from the world around me... if i see 100Muslim Homicide bombers getting on buses and blowing school children to smithereens, i come to the conclusion that there must be a problem somewhere... how many and who carried out 7/7... it was apparently 4 People... and these people were Muslims. What you need to remember is the days of the IRA are over now, now Muslims are in the limelight as they are the people that pose more, or a more serious risk to our lives and security. As i've said Islam has a little too many extremists than any other religion.
As to why there are so many more terrorists who are also Muslims than any other religious faction, it would probably be more useful to consider the environment that they live in and why it might give rise to people feeling that they have to commit acts of terror.
Disclaimer: I'm not trying to justify terrorism. I'm trying (badly) to explain it, as I have this perverse belief that in order to stop something, you first have to understand it.
Yes as usual its the Jewish problem
The Jews this the Jews that... its much easier to blame Jews than look at internal problems and rather than stop and think, they think its better to "Die in the name of Allah"
Terrorism comes from all routes, but if there are that many oppressed Muslims across the world. Why not say... why are we oppressed? Then look to the leadership... say its a dictatorship/Mullah leadership. Change it. Then say why arent we prospering, we arent allowed capitalism... Problem.. Islam is not a fan of capitalism, thats where you hit the problem, many of the Muslims world flaws come as a direct consequence of their religion i.e. stoning women, the Jizyah for non muslims, Shariah law etc etc
>| Raoh |<