'Anti' Isalm cartoons....

I dont have time the read the last few pages, but did anyone watch BBC 2 newsnight last night at 22:40?
Tony Blair said:
there is a real issue about how the sensible, moderate, Muslim leaders go into their community and confront this type of extremism and that's something we discuss with them continually

Its something he needs to sort out and should be a priority for him imo, the Muslim community is guna get an ass kicking soon enough if he doesnt.
willd58 said:
Its something he needs to sort out and should be a priority for him imo, the Muslim community is guna get an ass kicking soon enough if he doesnt.

theres more chance of Iran becoming a Christian state

>| Raoh |<
I think this guys should show the obvious courage of his convictions and ask to be deported to a devote Muslim country and have them carry out the punishment of the religion he feels so strongly about. :mad:

This really couldn't look worse for the Muslim community IMHO?


should shown on TV live , and ask him if he wishes to be deported to any arabian country and have a trial there, possibly with a penalty of loosing his hands. I would love to see his face , his reactions etc.

If he is such a brave boy , then he must prove it :D
Zildjian said:
I dont have time the read the last few pages, but did anyone watch BBC 2 newsnight last night at 22:40?
No, someone posted last night that it was worth watching.
Von Smallhausen said:
Incitement to cause racial hatred, incitement to murder, Sections 4 and 5 of the 1986 Public Order Act .......

There's 4.
A costume now (wrongly) associated with a religion cannot be said to be inciting racial hatred. Nor is wearing it in any stretch of the imagination inciting someone else to murder someone. s4 requires an intent to alarm or cause distress. Attendance at a political demonstration would be a very strong defence that he was exercising his right to protest. I'm not sure a costume meets the requirements of "visible representation." A s5 offence doesn't require intent but his defence would be the same as for s4
Iraklis F.C. said:
should shown on TV live , and ask him if he wishes to be deported to any arabian country and have a trial there, possibly with a penalty of loosing his hands. I would love to see his face , his reactions etc.

If he is such a brave boy , then he must prove it :D

I would love to see this, to see that putrid little whotsit squirm, the only reason he apolgised IMHO was that he was hoping to get out of being sent back to jail.

What a fine example of a Muslim male, one that bleats how badly he's been offended by "cartoon" but in the past has been more than happy to peddle drugs .


Sleepy said:
A costume now (wrongly) associated with a religion cannot be said to be inciting racial hatred. Nor is wearing it in any stretch of the imagination inciting someone else to murder someone. s4 requires an intent to alarm or cause distress. Attendance at a political demonstration would be a very strong defence that he was exercising his right to protest. I'm not sure a costume meets the requirements of "visible representation." A s5 offence doesn't require intent but his defence would be the same as for s4

There would be enough to arrest him, I believe, for each of the offences mentioned above although I agree that incitement to cause murder would be a long shot. What he is arrested for and what he would be charged with are two seperate matters and would be a decision for the CPS in this instance.

I am aware that Section 4 requires intent and if I were the interviewing officer, I would be asking something like ..

' So, you are aware of the suicide attacks on the UK in July 2005 ?'

' Yes '

' So in front of the cameras you are filmed wearing a mock suicide vest, you admitted this and went on TV to apologise for this. '

' Yes '

' So, what was your intent ? How did you think the public would perceive that ? '

A costume can be the visible representation as it can be compared to a slogan that would likely cause harassment, alarm or distress etc, although it would be a new ground for the criminal justice system to prosecute on.

A political demonstration is no defence at all and I give the following example ...

I decide to attend an anti-Islam demonstration and I dress as the Phrophet Mohammed. I also carry a toy Kalashinikov with me ....... I would fully expect to be arrested and the fact that I was at a public demonstration would be rightly dismissed as any grounds for a defence.
VIRII said:
Really? There are lots of "muslims" like him around Luton. Hardly uncommon.

Perhaps I mean it's odd that a remotely strict Muslim would be a drug dealer. Perhaps it shows that a lot of them are just born into it without much consideration, and it's a "in name only" thing.
vonhelmet said:
Perhaps I mean it's odd that a remotely strict Muslim would be a drug dealer. Perhaps it shows that a lot of them are just born into it without much consideration, and it's a "in name only" thing.

I certainly agree with that.
Sleepy said:
No, someone posted last night that it was worth watching.

There was a cleric called something Choudhery (sp) who refused to debate with two Muslim women because they weren't wearing burkhas so weren't "practising" Muslims. He ranted that Muslim law supercedes all other laws and showed zero respect for anyone else's views or right to speak without interruption. There were three other Muslims on the program (the two women and a man) who decalred their disgust with him and his views.
cleanbluesky said:
Also, criticising an ideology is okay. People choose whether they follow an ideology. Criticising a race of people for being something that they cannot change is less appropraite.
Are you still referring to the discussion about differing attitudes to Jews and Muslims? If so, then you should probably realise that Judaism is a religion and not a race - it's just as much an ideology (I notice that you shy away from using the word religion now) as Islam is.
vonhelmet said:
Perhaps I mean it's odd that a remotely strict Muslim would be a drug dealer. Perhaps it shows that a lot of them are just born into it without much consideration, and it's a "in name only" thing.
I definitely agree. The same can be applied to most religions, in fact.
RaohNS said:
theres more chance of Iran becoming a Christian state
Hopefully bush will be attempting that sometime soon, pushing the Islamic fundamentalists even further into the stone age.
Arcade Fire said:
Are you still referring to the discussion about differing attitudes to Jews and Muslims? If so, then you should probably realise that Judaism is a religion and not a race - it's just as much an ideology (I notice that you shy away from using the word religion now) as Islam is.

Judaism is a religion, jews are a race.

Islam is both a religion and ideology, but people have several constructions associatied with religion that they do not have when I use the term ideology - also, an ideology is more descriptive because the term describes any cohesive belief system shared by a social group.
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