any films you admit crying whilst watching?

Children of Men - Having two young children really made this emotional for me.

Grave of the Fireflies - Great film, but so difficult to watch.

Empire of the Sun
i get scarily emotional watching films sometimes :/

even worse when drunk ,

green mile and saving private ryan spring to mind

last time was weirdly watching this film :/

one of best endings to a film ive ever seen , if you get into the film and start thinking its rather emotional

if you dont youll probably think its complete utter rubbish and a waste of space

edit- link removed because it would ruin the film if you ever watch it :o
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the thing i've watched that's given me the worst painfull adams apple -when you almost cry was 24 Season 6; episode 4

when jack shot curtis
the_one_deep86 said:
its where rufio dies. lol i feel the same way
The saddest bit in hook is when he is in the pram and it blows away, then he goes back to his house grown up and they have forgotten him :(

Suprised no one has said American History X.

EDIT - oh wait, they did :o
I didn't cry but I got really sad when Apollo Creed was killed in Rocky 4. :(

I also thought the ending of the martial arts film, Fearless, was sad when Jet Li's character was killed by poison because no one could beat him in a fair fight.

Yeah, my choices aren't your typical tearjerkers! :)
Raikiri said:
It it wrong that I laughed when he hit someone with the bottle? :o

probably but then again i was turned on by the rape scene in irreversible which is a lot worse (obviously not the part where hes ramming her head into the floor).

then again i was half falling asleep at the time i was watching it and i was pretty much forcing myself to stay awake so i cant be expected to take it too seriously, either way i suppose its still pretty bad.

im now going to await some replies telling me im a sick ****.....
Mr.Orb said:
Pans Labyrinth

I must admit I was well on my way there with the final scene. It depends how you take the ending though in my opinion. Did she actually get reborn into her fairytale kingdom, or was it alll just her imagination all along, and we were just seeing it from her perspective.
honestly I just cried during "the sin eater"....

a really great film...I'm not even religious really but the strength of those little kids was quite inspiring.
Morthoseth said:
Yep, I was going to mention that one. I challenge anyone to watch this movie and not cry at the end. Go on, bet ya can't do it. When that little kid is crying for his father to wake up, theres no way you can hold it back.

Other movies: X-Men 3 - I cried at how poor it was. :p But seriously, theres plenty of movies I shed a tear at, but I can't seem to remember many off the top of my head.
For some reason I was watching Shrek two the other week and just before the clock strikes midnight big fat silent tears started running down my cheeks.

Some of these posts could do with spoiler alerts I reckon.
I know it's not a movie but there aren't many TV shows that make you cry so I'll put it in here. Anyway...the Futurama episode Jurassic Bark, where Fry finds his old dog and wants to bring him back. Can't actually bear to watch that episode any more as it's so so sad.
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