any films you admit crying whilst watching?

Saving Private Ryan. The graveyard at the end. :(

Passion of the Christ. I'm not particularly religious but what that man went through, and other like him through history is just horrible.
Edinho said:
Passion of the Christ. I'm not particularly religious but what that man went through, and other like him through history is just horrible.

Honestly I don't think I've met anyone who hasn't cried during that.
Loads :p

Hotel Rwanda
House Of Sand and Fog
Finding neverland
Brotherhood Of War (better than shaving private ryan imho)
Dead Mans Shoes
Schindler's List
The Shawshank Redemption
The Green Mile
Dead Poets Society
Watership Down
The Pianist
Cinema Paradiso
Crash (2004)
Idi i smotri (1985)

What can I say, I'm an emotional guy :p
Green Mile

Off the top of my head thats about it, but anything with animals getting hurt will get me welling up as well
Scrubs when Ben dies... :(:( so sad! Didnt cry but i was all upset and such lol
That program gets me hard, since its funny, but it has its moments of sadness :(
Dont think its been mentioned yet.

The film where one main actor dies and comes back as a dog. The dog finds his way back home and befreinds his family again. Even though his co-worker has moved in on the dogs wife, so to speak.

Cried sooo much at that film..:(

Excellent film to boot. Might of been a made for TV movie but still great stuff.

EDIT: FLUKE was the title
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droolinggimp said:
Dont think its been mentioned yet.

The film where one main actor dies and comes back as a dog. The dog finds his way back home and befreinds his family again. Even though his co-worker has moved in on the dogs wife, so to speak.

Cried sooo much at that film..:(

Excellent film to boot. Might of been a made for TV movie but still great stuff.

EDIT: FLUKE was the title

Oh good god I cried at that. So much.
Gonna have to dig the DVD out now :D.
Grave of the Fireflies - it's so saddening all the way through especially whilst watching as a kid, but when it ends you just cry even more, i think this was the first thing that ever made me cry, and still does.

SHE Ultimate Weapon (Saikano) - this is one big tragic love story, and it's a series so it prolongs the pain. The story itself is pants, but the whole emotional mapping of all the characters is just so complex and moving spurred on by simple actions.

Dragon Ball Z - when vegeta and nappa kill off most of the z fighters (especially the bit when Tien uses his last breath), this is only because i've watched all the way from when goku and balma first met and meeting all the other chars along the way building such a close bond between them.

Armageddon, Gump, AI, Saving Ryan's Privates, Gladiator, Spiderman when uncle ben is dying got me throaty, Dead Poet's Society, plus some others for sure though nothing springs to mind right now.

And i'm ashmed to admit this but er in Pokemon when Ash dies got me a bit teary too............. lost all my credibility now haven't i?
I have never actually cried watching a film, maybe a lump feeling in my throat. Ones that did that to me would probably have to be A.I at the end, Lost in translation, Legends of the fall and maybe saving private ryan.
the usual ones. Few recents ones are The Terminal ( god...he's so helpless and yet so stubborn ) and moments in Ray Charle's movie.
Not really love gets me going but losing a loved one and helplesness tend to get my eyes drown.
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, you could cry to that if you look at it a certain way/can relate to the movie, and also Requiem for a Dream is pretty sad, but maybe too consistently miserable, no happy-parts straight to let-downs if you know what I mean...
Being a grown man I don't do the whole crying at films bit. That said though, I did have something in my eye at the end of Schindler's List.
I just thought of the one that made me cry the most. I've never been so moved from watching something than I was when I saw this. It was an episode of Supernatural, where the two guys are chasing a werewolf. One of them becomes involved with a girl who turns out to be the werewolf they were chasing all along, despite having stopped one earlier in the program.

The scene that made me break down was where the girl decided it best if she were killed, instead of having to go through life knowing that she kills people every full moon. She asks the guy who had become involved with her to pull the trigger, and my God is that the most upsetting scene ever. All played out to Silent Lucidity by Queensryche.
Many, many films have nearly made me cry but the ones that have actually made me blub are:
1. E.T
2. Titanic (every time i watch it)
3. Pearl Harbour (every time i watch it)
4. The Fox and The Hound
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