If I've been to the gym or been cycling, when should I eat my protein? Right away? Before I went? Anytime within 4 hours of the exercise?
Most of it is common sense:
- if you have small amount* of protein pre-training, then you want a bigger bolus within a couple of hours after. There's no need to slam a shake the exact moment training finishes though.
- if you have a larger amount of protein** pre-training, then you can get away with a smaller bolus because the first will still be digesting
- if you're doing anything strenuous (like lifting weights or your cycling hammers your legs), then it's probably a good idea to consume some protein before. For anything low intensity going fasted is fine.
*there is something of a minimum effective dose with protein due to something called the leucine threshhold, so somewhere between 20-40g of high quality protein per meal is enough to hit this
** i.e. a meal, although obviously some activities are not so fun when your belly is pretty full
Danny Lennon from Sigma Nutrition did a good basic write-up on protein here which is worth reading. The only thing I'd add is that if you're dieting, you're not in a physiological position to maximise muscle gain like you are when you're ingesting sufficient calories, and so distribution (outside of protein around the training window) becomes less important.