SNR puts in a relationship signal power and noise on the line. The more SNR is low the more data trasmission will be hard.
Aging on slider, or directly on box, is possible to vary the downstream SNR percentage value.
Lowering it more than 100%, you'll obtain as consequence an ADSL line more sensible to interferences/noise (worst case: connection failure) but in advantage an higher attainable rate (max downstream available): to obtain the best performance from ADSL line, the attainable rate should be always higher (equal at least) than Downstream value.
Raising it more than 100%, as opposite, will cause an attainable rate decrease in favour of an higher SNR value. In brief, the line will result more stable (bettere rejection to noises) with the disadvantage of a little line performance decrease if attainable rate becomes lower than Downstream value.
Choose the best setting value to obtain the right compensation: speed vs reliability.
Default value is of course 100% which means no modification.
Upstream SNR, instead, can't be modified.