Any religious people watch the Wonders of Life last night?

But as I look at it, all living things have just adapted and evolved to suit their environment and continued existence. Evolution works not by giving animals the best or what would be nice but only what they need. And that explanation fits perfectly with the world I see around me.
Quite true but i wouldn't use the word evolution personally, i would use change, i wouldn't dispute what you're saying above because the scientific method can support this observation.
Also if you take the bible literally, God doesn't have to many issue with infanticide or genocide whether encouraging his followers sush as in:
"15:3 Now go and smite Amalek, and utterly destroy all that they have, and spare them not; but slay both man and woman, infant and suckling, ox and sheep, camel and ass"

If you take the bible literally,

god actually talks to himself (in Genesis) but who was the witness to write down what he said?! agh the mind boggles.

In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. 2 Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters.

3 And God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light. 4 God saw that the light was good, and he separated the light from the darkness. 5 God called the light “day,” and the darkness he called “night.” And there was evening, and there was morning—the first day.

6 And God said, “Let there be a vault between the waters to separate water from water.” 7 So God made the vault and separated the water under the vault from the water above it. And it was so. 8 God called the vault “sky.” And there was evening, and there was morning—the second day.

Its akin to 'ABRA CADABRA LET THERE BE LIGHT!" and there was light...but who was he vocalising this to?

God actually labelled things for us too, such as night and day, and the sky. now...who did he describe these to?

Anyone know how long Adam lived?

But then if you do believe in it word for word, it disproves the idea of a single god anyway

Then God said, “Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals,[a] and over all the creatures that move along the ground.”

Attention drawn to the word, 'OUR' image. I.e there is more than 1.

There you go, 99% of Christian/jewish related beliefs have just been blown out of the water by their own (and only) source, the bible.
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Because there is no real scientific evidence?

I have to admit my knowledge of physics is limited, but surely the spectroscopy of supergiants and supernovae compared to standard stars and nebulae give us a pretty good indication of how heavy elements are fair less common than hydrogen and are likely to of been formed from this overtime rather than all created spontaneously.
Also I'd imagine we must have fairly good grasp of how these elements come about otherwise there would be a pretty big misunderstanding in nuclear physics in which case I think we'd be struggling a lot more with the likes of CERN, National Ignition Facility or even where we've produced artificial superheavy elements.
If you take the bible literally,

god actually talks to himself (in Genesis) but who was the witness to write down what he said?! agh the mind boggles.

Its akin to 'ABRA CADABRA LET THERE BE LIGHT!" and there was light...but who was he vocalising this to?

God actually labelled things for us too, such as night and day, and the sky. now...who did he describe these to?

Anyone know how long Adam lived?

But then if you do believe in it word for word, it disproves the idea of a single god anyway

Attention drawn to the word, 'OUR' image. I.e there is more than 1.

There you go, 99% of Christian/jewish related beliefs have just been blown out of the water by their own (and only) source, the bible.

Very true, once you take the bible as literal rather than allegorical the amount of paradoxes and down right oddness is astonishing. But in this case was trying to find statements that related to his point.
The desire is real, the act is the individuals choice.

Then why would god give them the desire whilst not wanting them to act on it? Seems like a bit of a dick move, really.

Yes i believe the precursor to life is God. I was born a male, that is my sex. I would choose to only marry one woman.

What about people born as hermaphrodites?

God does not make people homosexual.

You just said there are people who are attracted to the same sex. Those people are gay whether they act on it or not.

Make up your mind.
God does not make people homosexual.

Debatable and along way from beeing confirmed, but if God designed they way our genetics work then he may of. Research has shown that some epigenic factors are common in homosexuals, thats doesn't mean that some aren't due to lifestyle but theres a good chance their orientation is affected by factors outside their control.
Except those unfortunate enough to be persecuted by believers in backwards faith systems.
Not all religious people persecute, attack or belittle others because of their chosen lifestyles, God and the Holy Bible says to "love thy neighbour". It's about what pleases God and not what pleases us, God has made plenty of provisions so no one has to lead a life of absolute self denial, sure, sometimes an individuals faith can be tested, one has a battle with the adamic spirit (imperfection) and Satan (opposer to Gods authority) as well, so it's not allways easy imho.
Then why would god give them the desire whilst not wanting them to act on it? Seems like a bit of a dick move, really.

What about people born as hermaphrodites?

You just said there are people who are attracted to the same sex. Those people are gay whether they act on it or not.

Make up your mind.

It is impossible for someone to be born truly hermaphrodite.
You'd think they'd cut out all the irrelevant parts.. It's not like the parts of it they do follow make a particularly easy or enjoyable read.

Well the Castiel argument here is that the Old Testament (where the restrictions on eating things like pork, shrimp and milk) doesn't apply to Christians, only the texts of the New Testament are what they follow.

Of course that's the academic, pedantic view. The reality is most people who call themselves Christian haven't read any of the stuff they regurgitate from their pastor anyway.

I'd love to do a test where you got lines from the OT and the NT and tested 100 Christians. I'd be surprised if a majority couldn't tell which line was from which book above chance.
Well the Castiel argument here is that the Old Testament (where the restrictions on eating things like pork, shrimp and milk) doesn't apply to Christians, only the texts of the New Testament are what they follow.

Of course that's the academic, pedantic view. The reality is most people who call themselves Christian haven't read any of the stuff they regurgitate from their pastor anyway.

I'd love to do a test where you got lines from the OT and the NT and tested 100 Christians. I'd be surprised if a majority couldn't tell which line was from which book above chance.

Don't speak for me, Thankyou. Particularly when it includes a veilled insult for no reason whatsoever and isn't even a correct assessment of anything I have stated.

I'm not interested in discussing this or anything in this thread with you or anyone else other than the few general statements I have already posted, so I would kindly ask you keep me out of it unless I choose to engage you or someone else first.
It is impossible for someone to be born truly hermaphrodite.

Hey Jason,

What denomination are you?

Well the Castiel argument here is that the Old Testament (where the restrictions on eating things like pork, shrimp and milk) doesn't apply to Christians, only the texts of the New Testament are what they follow.

Of course that's the academic, pedantic view. The reality is most people who call themselves Christian haven't read any of the stuff they regurgitate from their pastor anyway.

I'd love to do a test where you got lines from the OT and the NT and tested 100 Christians. I'd be surprised if a majority couldn't tell which line was from which book above chance.

You see sweeping generalisations like this do not help your credibility. If you are going to come to a debate like this you could ask it as a question, not state it as a matter of fact which is, in reality, just a matter of your opinion.

Re the old testament and new testament; the whole point of Christ was that he came to fulfill the law and become the atonement for sin. Christians follow Christ, they are not bound by the Old Testament law which required a substantial commitment by God's people to remain or become clean in the eyes of God and receive atonement for their sins. Regardless of whether you believe in God or Jesus that was the process.
The desire is real, the act is the individuals choice.

And? It is the desire that makes you homosexual, not the act. If you honestly think it is the act that matters then that would make every virgin asexual (including Mary and Jesus if you ascribe to the popular Christian view). Were you asexual until you had sex? (If you have had sex that is.)

God does not make people homosexual.

Some people are born homosexual, are they not made that way by God? If they aren't then who or what made them homosexual? (In this case using the actual meaning of the word as in being sexually attracted to the same sex).
Don't speak for me, Thankyou. Particularly when it includes a veilled insult for no reason whatsoever and isn't even a correct assessment of anything I have stated.

Really, so you've never made the point then that the contents of Leviticus and Deuteronomy (where the restrictions on eating shrimp are made) don't apply to Christians?


...I am not 'speaking for you', I'm paraphrasing an argument you've made plenty of times before.

Oh, and there was no 'veiled insult' at all.
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