Any Vegetarian Food Plans?

It's as funny as it always is but I feel a little sorry for the OP having his genuine thread littered with Nate's insanity.

Don't knock it until you try it.

It's an amazing diet.

If your physically active like yourself you will need to eat a 'crazy' amount of fruit calories to fuel the machine.

Edit: Nate diet is different than raw til 4.
No I'm not daft, judge by my results, you're saying the same stuff all my fat overweight friends say, or the friends that have to calories restrict. It's not calories out/in it's fat in!

You eat fats, so no, it's not 'fat in' that makes you fat, it's consuming excess food that makes you gain weight. As I've said, if you have TONS of fat then yes, you will gain weight IF you're eating in excess of what your body needs on a daily allowance.

And your results? You look malnourished. Well done we can also see your leg muscles, what exactly does that prove?
You do have to wonder how far to take it however.
Freelee on Youtube looking too skinny IMO.

I'm a perfect candidate for it however, poor digestion due to 20+ year old spinal injury.
diverticular bowel disease that required constant laxatives.
High blood pressure.
So you ate 20 bananas, 10 oranges, and over a kilo of sweet potato. Fantastic.

How come people can eat 20 chicken nuggets in one sitting but think 5 bananas is mental?

Just shows how ignorant you are. Get some olives put them in a press and boom you've got oil. They don't have to be refined at all. You are so very wrong it's hilarious. I love your threads and comments it's like a standup comedy show! :D

Yes I have qualifications in nutrition and again you're so very wrong.

There is just not enough protein in vegetables and fruits unless you start eating pulses like germinating sources of food like quinoa and beans and rice and lentils. Please tell me you eat those.

Wow you got 1 right!!! :cool:

However you're focussing on carbs more than protein and fats which is wrong. You need a balance.

Yeah brah get some oranges and put them in a press and boom you've got orange juice, no fibre. Look on the back of a bottle of olive oil, you will see nothing but nil, nil, nil, nil. 99% fat!

You have qualification in nutrition but we are so far behind in nutrition it's like living in the dark ages still. Most nutrtionionists still think you can't get enough protein from plants alone. I love it when my sister shows me her science homework and she has to list protein/iron/calcium foods etc in a table and she just puts bananas in every single box. The teacher even make 3000 cals of food that costs less than £8 for a day. She made it in less than £3.50 from bananas, greens and starch, smashed every nutrient target but the teachers wouldn't accept it because it's that's not how they teach it!

The late Dr Atkins bless him died of a heart attack and was overweight.

No I never eat beans. See this is why we are living in the dark ages, people think you need to eat beans to get protein.

Yeah you need a balance and that balance is 80/10/10. The balance recommenced by the world health organization!
You do have to wonder how far to take it however.
Freelee on Youtube looking too skinny IMO.

I'm a perfect candidate for it however, poor digestion due to 20+ year old spinal injury.
diverticular bowel disease that required constant laxatives.
High blood pressure.

Yes your situation is somewhat different.
Vegan power! Uncle Chester vs BMC ROFL!

Yes I know they are nutters, but there is honestly some truth behind what they are preaching.
Look. There is nothing wrong with vegan/vegetarianism so long as you're clear you need to be really aware of your diet. Pulses and those sort of foods contain fats and protein as does avocado and similar veg/fruits. However you're not spoilt for choice in terms of calorie density. When I gave up meat for lent I was having to eat huge amounts to make up calories and macros. But I'm a relatively big guy (twice the size of Nate and 3x more active) but I still wasn't eating 4k calories a day.

It is possible to eat healthily without meat (so long as you are well educated on nutritional requirements) but why lie about eating 2-3x the national average for a small human being? Just be honest and stop trolling with ridiculous statements and contradictions. You're attention seeking plain and simple.
I'm not in the dark ages I am constantly keeping up to date with nutrition as it is a passion of mine.

Give me your sources of protein and fat then I'd be interested.

Comparing orange juice to olive oil is a misnomer..

You think the WHO's macro balance is correct? Open your eyes dude you're deluded and a sheep following ridiculous governmental rhetoric.
I'm not in the dark ages I am constantly keeping up to date with nutrition as it is a passion of mine.

Give me your sources of protein and fat then I'd be interested.

Comparing orange juice to olive oil is a misnomer..

Sounds like you are calorie deficient :p

Edit wrong akira lol!! PMSL

I do eat at least double that amount of veg in a day. :)

I follow the diet of my roots which are Mediterranean. So lots of fruits and veg with fish and meat. Very little refined foods as generally I'm a bit of a snob but my diet is hugely balanced and varied.

As I said and I repeat there's no problems being vegetarian or vegan just don't try to BS your way to convincing others.

I do eat at least double that amount of veg in a day. :)

I'm no expert.

One thing I do know however is the 'western' diet is a disgrace.

It's hard to find a healthy snack anywhere.

It would be nice just to grab a bowl of rice or noodles like they do in Asia.
I edited my post for more context.

Nuts and fruits are a great snack.

Japanese people have huge porblems with excessive salt intake.
I'm no expert.

One thing I do know however is the 'western' diet is a disgrace.

It's hard to find a healthy snack anywhere.

It would be nice just to grab a bowl of rice or noodles like they do in Asia.


One thing I loved about being in China, food was fantastic even when it was minimalistic.
Don't knock it until you try it.

It's an amazing diet.

If your physically active like yourself you will need to eat a 'crazy' amount of fruit calories to fuel the machine.

Edit: Nate diet is different than raw til 4.

Raw till 4 is just the starch solution mixed with 80/10/10. All three follow the ratio. Your diet and my diet are high carb diets, that's the main thing that matters. High protein and high fat is very unhealthy.

Bang's on about not eating refined food, tucks into Weetabix :rolleyes:

Yep, I ate weetabix that day as I stayed over my friends house. My diet is an ideal not a perfection. That's about as unhealthy as it gets. So you flame me for eating weetabix months ago, but what was the most unhealthy thing you ate this week? I bet my weetabix is 1000 times healthier. If not well done to you.

You eat fats, so no, it's not 'fat in' that makes you fat, it's consuming excess food that makes you gain weight. As I've said, if you have TONS of fat then yes, you will gain weight IF you're eating in excess of what your body needs on a daily allowance.

And your results? You look malnourished. Well done we can also see your leg muscles, what exactly does that prove?

Yes I eat fats, but as part of whole foods and I don't eat overt fats. So do you think it's fat that makes me fat or sugar? I'll ask again "fat" or sugar that makes me fat? That's FAT or sugar that makes me FAT?

No if you're really fat and obese you can whatever you want as long as it's come out the ground or off a tree and hasn't been refined or processed. Excluding a couple fatty foods like avacaods, durians, nuts and seeds. I bet the TONS of fat guy can't eat 40 bananas and gain anymore weight anyways because his metabolism is so messed up from eating heavy dense foods! It would be too high volume for him.

The only other way to do it is to continue eating the heavy fat foods that got him there in the first place. You don't see anyone getting fat eating fruits and vege do you? How many people are saying that whole foods are unhealthy? Nobody! Nobody is getting fat eating fruit and vege because they are all low fat!

But I'm not malnourished, humans are meant to be skinny lean like greyhounds. My BMI Is bang in the middle!


I know BMI is mostly crap but it at least proves I'm not malnourished. Yeah stopped lifting weights and get your body fat down to 10% as should be for a male and show me your legs. They won't be much different. I don't have SWOLE legs because I don't eat high fat/protein and lift weights. Food doesn't give you muscle, otherwise bodybuilders would spend all day in the kitchen not the gym.

The photo proves what everyone here doesn't' believe. That I can eat 4-5000 cals a day, basically as much food as I want and not be another obesity statistic.

I gotta go, if I don't reply it's not because i'm trolling, i'll reply later.
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Yep, I ate weetabix that day as I stayed over my friends house. My diet is an ideal not a perfection. That's about as unhealthy as it gets. So you flame me for eating weetabix months ago, but what was the most unhealthy thing you ate this week? I bet my weetabix is 1000 times healthier. If not well done to you.

My diet is **** but then again I don't preach about it like I am the messiah.
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