Any Vegetarian Food Plans?

LOL fat is high in calories so what? I can eat 5000 cals a day and I'm skinny so obviously calories isn't the problem.

So? Around 20 bananas is 18-22 bananas, it depends how big they are.

Today's breakfast mango's. 15 for £5 from local fruit market, this **** is cheap! Very good quality.

Mango's what?
Eating 15 mangoes in 1 sitting would make me not want to go 5 minutes away from the toilet.

The sugar!
Really, it's just some epically bad trolling. How you haven't banned him.
It's more cringe worthy than funny.

Given Nate's mentioned his real name (or so it seems) you can see his profile on various social media and comments on other forums. He's fairly prolific.

I think he really means it too.
He's a deluded kid that hasn't got a clue.

I've shown this thread to a professional fitness athlete who happens to be vegetarian/vegan and he said he couldn't stop laughing. That pretty much reaffirms my thoughts.

Vegetarian/Vegan? You're either one or the other and if he's vegetarian he's in the dark like the rest of you.

I know two professional athletes too, you might of heard of them.


His father attributes his success to his obsession with bananas and yams.

"A good diet is essential, for me it's fruit every time"

I eat 16 ripe bananas everyday

Look at the London Marathon this year. The Kenyans dominated. That's because they eat a high carb low fat diet. Yeah they train at high altitude and they have the genetics but like Bolt says, diet is key. USA and UK running is in the ***** because of the western diet.

People think if they can run a sub-20 5K, put a bit of muscle on eating protein shakes, supplements and growth hormone infested dairy/meat they are fit and healthy.
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I don't think anyone is arguing the western diet is turd.

Define fit and healthy? Some of the 'healthiest' or 'athletic' people have died at early ages.

Also, what's with the Bolt thing? The guy eats meat and poultry
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I don't think anyone is arguing the western diet is turd.

Define fit and healthy? Some of the 'healthiest' or 'athletic' people have died at early ages.

Also, what's with the Bolt thing? The guy eats meat and poultry

You could be the fittest guy on the planet, if your heart explodes tonight you're done. You could eat the best food of anybody you know. It's been proven beyond any shadow of a doubt that your fitness is directly linked to your health and longevity. People say "He's so fit, he's the healthiest person". Well the fittest people in our nation are the pro-atheletes. They're all kids between 20-30, almost all of them but they're the sickest people per capita as a group. Demographically the pro-athletes are the sickest people.

1. They're taking drugs like there's no tomorrow.
2. They're taking recreational drugs since uni when they didn't have to pass the tests, they were the ones going to the parties.
3. They eat double, triple, quadriple what we eat depending on their sport but they eat worst than us. They eat the WORST food because they're athletes. Their bodies seem apparently to burn it off better than less active people. They're blowin through fuel like a jet rather than a little car.

So they're eating the worst food and 3x as much of it, taking drugs and partying (see Bolt clubbing).

Did I mention they can get drugs from their doctors to help them grow big and strong? These guys are freaks of nature, these big dudes (and ladies now). Your liver, your kidneys can't take it. Once they retire they all get fat or die from the drugs in their 40's. Look at the tour de france guys from 98! Just watch the Youtube interview with ex-steroid users who have had heart surgery. They aren't healthy.

If you break fitness into three categories, what you get is the least fit people live the shortest. The most fit people live the longest and direct correlation of all the fitness levels in-between. But fitness is not health, it's only one of the dogs in that whole group of dogs. I agree about athletes dying at early ages I mean how many times do you see people soo suprised that someone they knew who they thought were healthy died? They could be playing tennis on Thursday perfectly healthy. Perfectly healthy people don't die on Friday after playing tennis on Thursday, very sick people do. I've seen my own Grandad suffer a heart attack and he's 68 an avid cyclist, I thought he was really healthy. You gotta be really sick, people are tough. Ever seen anybody die. They don't go out easy.

No vegan is gonna die tonight. I wonder how many few thousand people could get together and one of them wouldn't die that night. Veganism is amazing.

**Yes but athletes are always looking for something better. 25 years ago when athletes ate steak they thought it was the thing but now athletes are eating starch. Except for some athletes. You watch cyclists riding down the road, those Tour De France guys are pulling bananas out of their back shirt, they pass the car and the guy sticks a couple more bananas in there. Every 10 miles or so they're eating another banana. Tennis players are eating bananas on the sidelines. I'm not gonna say it's because of the bananas but it's sure not in spite of them. More and more athletes are eating fruit.

Usain Bolt also loves chicken nuggets too. Might want to watch this, skip to two minutes in. ;)

I saw it on top gear years back. So what if he eats some bad food, he said it straight out his mouth that eating fruit is key. He did not say chicken nuggets! Thing is Bolt knows what he 'should' be eating but he chooses the unhealthy option. Yeah his coach can't force him to eat healthy. Everyone knows fruit and vegetables are the healthiest foods but most people still eat cookies and bacon instead. He's not gonna hold up fast food and say it's a good diet though, even if he eats it, he knows the score! He built his engine on carbs.

Find the video of Usain Bolts Dad talking about "my son's secret weapon is bananas and yams!"

"I could indulge any time I want," Bolt says. "But I try to go for long periods, maybe three months, without any fast food. The older you get, the better you have to eat." -Bolt

People want Bolt to get serious and break 19 in the 200m. He could be even more incredibly fast and reach his maximum potential if he sorted his lifestyle out.

Bolt eats fast food and boozes it up clubbing like a teenager but he still knows eating fruit is the best way to be healthy. Lucky for him his sport is sprinting and he's incredibly gifted. You don't need to be 'that' healthy to run 100 meters you just have to be gifted with genetics/biomechanics and strong.

Bolt always jokes that he is lazy and works way less than Blake. That's why Blake is munching down the bananas and working his butt off to try and beat Bolt because it's the only way he's going to do it, with Bolts talent. I think Blake could beat bolt if he practised hygiene and worked hard enough.
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He's a deluded kid that hasn't got a clue.

I've shown this thread to a professional fitness athlete who happens to be vegetarian/vegan and he said he couldn't stop laughing. That pretty much reaffirms my thoughts.

He isn't a kid! He looks like he's going grey, plus that's offensive to kids.
It is frightening there are people like Nate in the world. It's like the people that think we didn't go to the moon or that the world is flat.

I guess they don't teach subjects at school like they used to. So much basic biology and genetic fallacies I just cannot bear it.

Nate, your attitude stinks, you're evangelising and demonising things you have no idea about. We have all said that vegatarianism/veganism is fine if done correctly, but you come in boldly touting your agenda. You post a stupid picture of Gandhi (he's not stupid, but the picture was) stating this is a about winning - it's not at all. There's nothing to win/lose - it just proves how insecure and ridiculous you are being. You're blinded by the sound of your own thoughts. You don't look, listen or understand what other people are telling you. You then come out with ridiculous statements that you know professional athletes for example, you don't. You come out with ridiculous statements that professional athletes or non vegans are somehow more likely to die than vegans - you make all these stupid statements and expect to be listened to? Stop coming out with ridiculous anecdotal "evidence" and either take part in the conversation in a more level headed way or stop trolling which is effectively what you're doing.

Just for your interest the top 14 life expectancy in the world is as follows:

San Marino

Most of these countries eat a balanced diet - well, what a coincidence, at least 8 of them follow the "Mediterranean" lifestyle! The Japanese diet isn't that great as it has a lot of salt in it, but generally involves lots of rice and fish and beans. However, this also it is down to genetics too. The other thing this has in common, these are all rich countries with good health care and education. All of these countries have an average life expectancy of over 80 years! 80 years! That's a HUGE average - or do I need to teach you about statistics?

Anyway, I've had enough, if you keep trolling and not taking part in the conversation properly there will be repercussions.

OP start a new thread and I'll delete/close this wealth of BS just RTM it or email me.
Nate - it might be worth giving this a read:

In this interview with Thomas E. (Tom) Billings, a long-time vegetarian with extensive experience in a wide range of raw and living-foods diets, you'll have many assumptions challenged. This piece is not for those whose minds are clamped shut. Tom's involvement in raw, vegan, and vegetarian diets goes all the way back to the late 1960s and early 1970s, when vegetarianism and raw diets were blossoming as part of the counterculture movement of the time. Tom is a site editor for Beyond Vegetarianism,, a controversial Internet website that challenges many of the traditional beliefs of raw, vegan, and alternative diets.

What are your thoughts on it?
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