I missed some Freefaller's replies.
Look. There is nothing wrong with vegan/vegetarianism so long as you're clear you need to be really aware of your diet. Pulses and those sort of foods contain fats and protein as does avocado and similar veg/fruits. However you're not spoilt for choice in terms of calorie density. When I gave up meat for lent I was having to eat huge amounts to make up calories and macros. But I'm a relatively big guy (twice the size of Nate and 3x more active) but I still wasn't eating 4k calories a day.
It is possible to eat healthily without meat (so long as you are well educated on nutritional requirements) but why lie about eating 2-3x the national average for a small human being? Just be honest and stop trolling with ridiculous statements and contradictions. You're attention seeking plain and simple.
Really aware? Nah man, just eat whatever you want as long as it's fruit/starch. You CAN actually get away eating more unhealthy junk treats on this diet because the total fat every day is so low a tub of ice cream with 10G per 100G of fat is not a problem, you just won't feel "that" healthy. Like not getting enough vitamin D, yeah you can be healthy but not feel amazing.
Pulses are mostly protein and carbs. Lentils are almost 50/50 ratio carbs to protein. They aren't really very healthy anyways they are so hard to digest they mostly ferment in the body. More you eat more you fart! I'd rather eat fruit and skip digestion altogether and go straight to absorption. I never eat pulses unless my mum offers me lentil pie.
Avocado yeah, no more than 1 a week. You are complaining about getting to eat huge amounts of food? Do you not like eating food then? I can eat some mango. You're just not used to the volume and I bet you weren't eating mostly fruit which are high in calorie and macros.
I'm not lying though, if I uploaded a video of what I eat in a day what would you say then? It'd just be another excuse. You'd probs say the bananas were hallowed out.
I'm not in the dark ages I am constantly keeping up to date with nutrition as it is a passion of mine.
Give me your sources of protein and fat then I'd be interested.
Comparing orange juice to olive oil is a misnomer..
You think the WHO's macro balance is correct? Open your eyes dude you're deluded and a sheep following ridiculous governmental rhetoric.
Sorry mate but you're reading all the wrong stuff looking in the wrong places. You're not going to take any vegan advice because you think pulses = protein. Why are you even worried about protein? It takes care of itself by eating enough calories. Tonight's meal gives me 45G of protein with ALL essential aminos. The more you eat the more nutrition you get! Stop worrying about protein and fat. Just clock in 4000 cals of fruits on chronometer, any fruits you want and you'll see you get enough.
So you think because you pressed the olive oil yourself it's not refined?
So if I go against the grain I'm a wacko and if I mention the governments recommendation I'm a sheep? I don't think I'm a sheep otherwise there would be more than 1 person agreeing with me in this thread. Unfortunately the rest still think it's insane to eat 30 bananas.
He died from a head injury.
Sorry I meant he developed cardiomyopathy, maybe he just got unlucky but I doubt I'll ever get that as it's related to fat consumption. I just assumed he died from it my bad.
I do eat at least double that amount of veg in a day.
I follow the diet of my roots which are Mediterranean. So lots of fruits and veg with fish and meat. Very little refined foods as generally I'm a bit of a snob but my diet is hugely balanced and varied.
As I said and I repeat there's no problems being vegetarian or vegan just don't try to BS your way to convincing others.
Why does it make you a snob to avoid junk? I'd say you're smart. I might eat a plate of potatos and you will think it's not balanced but I get balance through the weeks and months not the days. Simplicity at meal time, like every other animal.
It's not BS though is it, I DO eat a ton of calories and I AM skinny. What part is BS? The part that goes against your bad habits?