Anyone else had a handwritten letter from the JW recently?

17 Sep 2006
Had a chat to some a couple of years back... Among other things, I asked them if their child needed a blood transfusion would you allow them to have it? he said no. So like most religious people they're nice on the surface but when you dig a bit they have some pretty harmful beliefs.

Not going down this road too much, but our colleague at work was a JW. He had an accident (sledging of all things!) and suffered terrible internal bleeding.

Long story short.....he died. And guess what would have saved him? (that he couldn't have). Yep. Unreal.
5 Jun 2007
I've always had a respectful conversational "Could we have a chat?" - "No but thanks for visiting" - "OK well thank you anyway, goodbye" type relationship with my local JW folks but I find it highlights my biggest pet-peeve with most religions I've come across, the desire of it's followers to coax others into joining. So just because they've either enjoyed their faith so much or, more likely, their religion tells them to and they'll be granted afterlife rewards, they've decided to want everyone else to join their faith too.

I'm a very neutral person towards all religion I'd say. As far as I'm concerned you can believe whatever the hell you like and, as long as it's legal and/or doesn't harm anyone, then I'm all for you enjoying your every aspect of your faith no questions asked, but please, keep it to your specific places of worship and leave folks alone. I mean folks don't go to folks church/mosque/synagogue/temple etc to ask people to leave their religion so I'd appreciate some reciprocity here and ask that no-one comes to random peoples house just to ask them to join their religion.

I beleive the whole idea of JW's is that they're commanded by god to try and save people from eternal damnation caused by their sinful lives, so in their eyes they are just trying to help people from going to hell.

I got one too

I asked the rest of my neighbours around me (8 other houses) and they didn't get one. My house hold is targeted.

They've been looking through your windows at night and have seen what's on your monitor and have deemed you to need Jesus immediately it seems.... :eek:



10 Mar 2006
East Lancs
We got a typed but personally signed (and hand wirtten envelope) version of this the other day. Said "Dear Neighbour" but the address was from two towns over.

On a separate note; my daughter is taking GCSE RE and one of her classmates is a JW, but for that reason they cannot talk about Chirstmas etc. I find it bizzare, my daughter has no faith at all so should they not talk about Islam or Christianity?! More of a reflection on the school I guess but this pupil has a few foliables that means they have to teach and deal with her differently. Weird. Not very embracing of other culture it seems.
17 Aug 2009
I wonder if they've found handwritten letters more effective than showing up at your door.

Not for you. It's for them. They're fishing but it doesn't really matter if they get bites or not.

If they want to be taken seriously (especially men) they need to do their year of not living with family or friends, being supervised and having a partner to ensure no ones enjoying themselves and attempting to spread the word.
17 Feb 2006
@Feek and others

Firstly, I am not a JW, but members of my family are. I have been to their meetings (some years ago) and have friends/acquaintances who are JWs.

This is of course a reaction to the lockdown measures which prevent the usual door-to-door ministry.

Also (most) JWs are not crazy, they are however zealous in their beliefs. You'll doubtless find these letters are polite and friendly. I don't think there is a standard template for them, so if you receive one it will have been written by somebody who took the time to write you.
17 Feb 2006
On a separate note; my daughter is taking GCSE RE and one of her classmates is a JW, but for that reason they cannot talk about Chirstmas etc. I find it bizzare, my daughter has no faith at all so should they not talk about Islam or Christianity?! More of a reflection on the school I guess but this pupil has a few foliables that means they have to teach and deal with her differently. Weird. Not very embracing of other culture it seems.
This is false.

Witnesses may withdraw their children from RE but they are not prohibited from talking about Christmas. If you ask a JW about Christmas you'll find they are quite happy to discuss their reasons for not celebrating.

JWs can't stop your kids' teachers from discussing Christmas. I'm not sure how you think they wield that power.
15 Jun 2009
@Feek and others

Firstly, I am not a JW, but members of my family are. I have been to their meetings (some years ago) and have friends/acquaintances who are JWs.

This is of course a reaction to the lockdown measures which prevent the usual door-to-door ministry.

Also (most) JWs are not crazy, they are however zealous in their beliefs. You'll doubtless find these letters are polite and friendly. I don't think there is a standard template for them, so if you receive one it will have been written by somebody who took the time to write you.
Was just about to post this.

They also don't believe in hell as such. They're simply trying to spread the word. Nothing in it for them.
17 Feb 2006
Was just about to post this.

They also don't believe in hell as such. They're simply trying to spread the word. Nothing in it for them.
It's weird how much disinformation gets put out there about them.

They're just really, really strict Christians.

That's isn't to say I don't have any disagreements/issues with them, but some of those issues would equally apply to other Christian denominations.
17 Jan 2016
It's weird how much disinformation gets put out there about them.

They're just really, really strict Christians.

That's isn't to say I don't have any disagreements/issues with them, but some of those issues would equally apply to other Christian denominations.

I agree with this. I've been in relationships with 2 Mormons and 1 SDA women (not at the same time :) ) and though I have my theological disagreements over the years with them I find that anyone motivated to help other people, especially strangers, to be an admirable thing.
16 Oct 2002
In the radio shack
They're just really, really strict Christians.
They can be but they're not all fanatical about it.

I have a friend who's a JW and we talk on a daily basis online. This person has never specifically talked about their religion to me and the only way I had an inkling was when I mentioned I'd been to a blood donor session and asked if they'd ever given blood. The answer of "no, for personal and religious reasons' was the only indication I'd ever had after over a year of talking.
17 Oct 2002
Panting like a fiend
I received one a while back, I think it may even still be lying around somewhere.

I sort of miss having the JW knock on the door at random times, but that may just be that I miss seeing people in RL in general at the moment:p

I'll add that I have no problem with the JW's, they're honest in their beliefs and tend to be far better informed and less pushy than a lot of the "born again" types, especially those who have got involved in the American style "Christianity" groups (who often seem to have never read more than a few pages of summary of the Bible).
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18 Oct 2012
never had anything from the JW crowd, in person or otherwise. had some other christian denominations.

can't say i'm that against it, i mean they're being nice and polite at least.
25 Apr 2010
They are pretty much a cult.
This includes things like shunning family members and cutting them off from the church for the simple mistake of questioning the watch tower.

If you look even below the surface a little its extremely concerning.
2 May 2011
They've never really bothered me, I really don't see any point in being rude to them if they ever knock at the door.

Same. As some people probably know, I'm a dyed-in-the-wool athiest, though much less vocal these days. Years ago, when I was probably about 21, I was sat at home, and my sister was there too. Some JWs knocked on the door and they were very friendly, had a nice chat etc. I may be an athiest, but I'm not rude and will listen to people, for the most part.

So we had a nice chat, and then they asked if they could come in and talk to me. I think I was like, not now. And so they said they'd come back, and me being polite and friendly just sort of agreed to it. They came back another day and they came in, and then they talked to my sister and I about god for a while. I think they said a prayer together and it was at that point that I got a bit annoyed and ended up riffing off all this athiest stuff, what about the big bang, your morality shouldn't be based on the 12 commandments etc, and then had to ask them to leave.

Honestly, I felt like I'd been tricked into letting them into the house. It was so bizarre!
17 Aug 2009
Same. As some people probably know, I'm a dyed-in-the-wool athiest, though much less vocal these days. Years ago, when I was probably about 21, I was sat at home, and my sister was there too. Some JWs knocked on the door and they were very friendly, had a nice chat etc. I may be an athiest, but I'm not rude and will listen to people, for the most part.

So we had a nice chat, and then they asked if they could come in and talk to me. I think I was like, not now. And so they said they'd come back, and me being polite and friendly just sort of agreed to it. They came back another day and they came in, and then they talked to my sister and I about god for a while. I think they said a prayer together and it was at that point that I got a bit annoyed and ended up riffing off all this athiest stuff, what about the big bang, your morality shouldn't be based on the 12 commandments etc, and then had to ask them to leave.

Honestly, I felt like I'd been tricked into letting them into the house. It was so bizarre!

They're secretly training you to stand up for yourself and your beliefs in the face of cold callers of all varieties.
Man of Honour
19 Oct 2002
They've never really bothered me, I really don't see any point in being rude to them if they ever knock at the door.
Same. I admire their ability to believe in something. It's not for me but I see no reason to be anything but polite. The only thing that irks me a little is that they almost always bring a young attractive girl with them. The cynic in me thinks they do it deliberately to increase their chances of being invited in.
17 Aug 2009
Same. I admire their ability to believe in something. It's not for me but I see no reason to be anything but polite. The only thing that irks me a little is that they almost always bring a young attractive girl with them. The cynic in me thinks they do it deliberately to increase their chances of being invited in.

It's a young adults thing and girls are also encouraged to do their time.
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