Anyone else had a handwritten letter from the JW recently?

21 Jan 2010
Same. I admire their ability to believe in something. It's not for me but I see no reason to be anything but polite. The only thing that irks me a little is that they almost always bring a young attractive girl with them. The cynic in me thinks they do it deliberately to increase their chances of being invited in.
Would you prefer that they kept any young attractive girl locked away somewhere? Perhaps encourage them not to make themselves look appealing to men, by wearing different clothes or no make-up maybe?
1 Jun 2013
I've always had a respectful conversational "Could we have a chat?" - "No but thanks for visiting" - "OK well thank you anyway, goodbye" type relationship with my local JW folks but I find it highlights my biggest pet-peeve with most religions I've come across, the desire of it's followers to coax others into joining. So just because they've either enjoyed their faith so much or, more likely, their religion tells them to and they'll be granted afterlife rewards, they've decided to want everyone else to join their faith too.

The truth is that they (and the Mormons who recently stopped the door-to-door practise) convert almost no one this way. There are some lines in the Bible that justify missionary work in this way, but it comes to nothing.

Really it's only function is to cause the congregation to bond more strongly. They go out to knock on doors, meet resistance or rudeness, and it actually helps bond the group more closely. Not only does it "prove" everyone else is a lost soul, it shows that the door knockers are right to tie themselves as closely as possible to their fellow church members who treat them kindly and provide a home against the wicked world that rejects them. The church loves you (as long as you follow the rules), but the world outside rejects you.

It's part of the many indoctrination techniques used by many organised religions to keep their followers in line and contributing their time and money to the group.
21 Jan 2010
The truth is that they (and the Mormons who recently stopped the door-to-door practise) convert almost no one this way. There are some lines in the Bible that justify missionary work in this way, but it comes to nothing.

Really it's only function is to cause the congregation to bond more strongly. They go out to knock on doors, meet resistance or rudeness, and it actually helps bond the group more closely. Not only does it "prove" everyone else is a lost soul, it shows that the door knockers are right to tie themselves as closely as possible to their fellow church members who treat them kindly and provide a home against the wicked world that rejects them. The church loves you (as long as you follow the rules), but the world outside rejects you.

It's part of the many indoctrination techniques used by many organised religions to keep their followers in line and contributing their time and money to the group.
Nothing to do with a free trip to Uganda then?
17 Feb 2006
The truth is that they (and the Mormons who recently stopped the door-to-door practise) convert almost no one this way. There are some lines in the Bible that justify missionary work in this way, but it comes to nothing.

Really it's only function is to cause the congregation to bond more strongly. They go out to knock on doors, meet resistance or rudeness, and it actually helps bond the group more closely. Not only does it "prove" everyone else is a lost soul, it shows that the door knockers are right to tie themselves as closely as possible to their fellow church members who treat them kindly and provide a home against the wicked world that rejects them. The church loves you (as long as you follow the rules), but the world outside rejects you.

It's part of the many indoctrination techniques used by many organised religions to keep their followers in line and contributing their time and money to the group.
Well their membership is growing, so I'm curious to know how you explain that, if the door-to-door stuff is (almost) totally ineffective.

Do you think people randomly decide to become JWs?
19 Nov 2004
Never had one but when they do knock I enjoy a polite conversation with them. They are generally very polite and friendly people so even if I don't agree with them I don't wish them ill.
17 Aug 2009
Well their membership is growing, so I'm curious to know how you explain that, if the door-to-door stuff is (almost) totally ineffective.

Do you think people randomly decide to become JWs?

You seem to be ignoring the traditional way of multiplying your groups numbers and making sure the new members have the same beliefs.

It's somewhat simplified but being religious has a greater birthrate.
16 Nov 2014
Nah but in the past I’ve had Mormons stop me on the street and try invite themselves into MY home lmao.

Have a relative who is a JW. They’ve preached to me about it a few times, usually on the back of a normal conversation. I was sat scratching my head like how did we get here...
They invited me to an online ceremony, I looked at the message rolled my eyes and swiped away.
Man of Honour
19 Oct 2002
Would you prefer that they kept any young attractive girl locked away somewhere? Perhaps encourage them not to make themselves look appealing to men, by wearing different clothes or no make-up maybe?
Bit of an odd comment to me suggesting they try to lure men into talking to them with attractive girls.



10 Mar 2006
East Lancs
This is false.

Witnesses may withdraw their children from RE but they are not prohibited from talking about Christmas. If you ask a JW about Christmas you'll find they are quite happy to discuss their reasons for not celebrating.

JWs can't stop your kids' teachers from discussing Christmas. I'm not sure how you think they wield that power.

The JW student has to leave the room or they can't discuss it. Might not be a shared belief but certainly for this pupil they are making an exception. The pupil has elected to take RS too so must have known these things would be covered as would her parents. Like I said, more of an issue with the school and likely their parents not communicating properly. Does make her stand out to other kids though, can't be healthy for her.
17 Feb 2006
The JW student has to leave the room or they can't discuss it. Might not be a shared belief but certainly for this pupil they are making an exception. The pupil has elected to take RS too so must have known these things would be covered as would her parents. Like I said, more of an issue with the school and likely their parents not communicating properly. Does make her stand out to other kids though, can't be healthy for her.
Sorry but I simply don't believe that, as you're stating it.

For one, there is no problem with JWs discussing Christmas. It's actually a very common subject for discussion, because people have heard about it and often ask JWs why they don't celebrate. Another one is why don't they have blood transfusions.

Can you imagine having those beliefs and then refusing to talk about them? Would be silly. And I've talked with many JWs about those exact subjects.

For two, the school would be mad to restrict the curriculum based on the *wishes* of one pupil. The other parents could rightly object and demand the full curriculum be taught. I know I would.

For three, what exactly does "discussing Christmas" actually mean? We all know what Christmas is, and being "not allowed to discuss Christmas"... that would be extremely strange and quite a little vague, too. Can't talk about presents? Christmas trees? Turkey dinners? What, exactly, can't they talk about?

I'm sorry but your story just doesn't add up.
21 Jan 2010
Bit of an odd comment to me suggesting they try to lure men into talking to them with attractive girls.
Well I guess I was a bit puzzled about how you drew the conclusion that because some JWs are young and attractive people, that HQ must be sending them out maliciously to attract men who can't resist but invite them in.

It kind of begs the question how that could even cross your mind, that a young pretty girl couldn't possibly just be doing the same service that every other JW has to do.
21 Jan 2010
Sorry but I simply don't believe that, as you're stating it.

For one, there is no problem with JWs discussing Christmas. It's actually a very common subject for discussion, because people have heard about it and often ask JWs why they don't celebrate. Another one is why don't they have blood transfusions.

Can you imagine having those beliefs and then refusing to talk about them? Would be silly. And I've talked with many JWs about those exact subjects.

For two, the school would be mad to restrict the curriculum based on the *wishes* of one pupil. The other parents could rightly object and demand the full curriculum be taught. I know I would.

For three, what exactly does "discussing Christmas" actually mean? We all know what Christmas is, and being "not allowed to discuss Christmas"... that would be extremely strange and quite a little vague, too. Can't talk about presents? Christmas trees? Turkey dinners? What, exactly, can't they talk about?

I'm sorry but your story just doesn't add up.
A quick Google presents loads of people with the view that chap has shared.

Here is one for instance:
The question was whether to cancel Christmas celebrations for pre-school because one girls Mum was offended.

Edit: One person has legit suggested they can't watch the Polar Express
Edit2: I think you've also forgotten that some JW are children, and not yet at the age where they can discuss why they don't celebrate Christmas.
Man of Honour
19 Oct 2002
Well I guess I was a bit puzzled about how you drew the conclusion that because some JWs are young and attractive people, that HQ must be sending them out maliciously to attract men who can't resist but invite them in.

It kind of begs the question how that could even cross your mind, that a young pretty girl couldn't possibly just be doing the same service that every other JW has to do.
Maybe they are. Maybe they aren't. Who knows. But when they turn up every time with the same type of woman in tow, never someone unattractive, never someone older and never someone slightly overweight, then my spider senses start tingling. I'm glad that sort of thing never occurs to you. I used to be the same. But as I got older and gained more worldly experience I started to always look at the wider picture and question peoples motives.
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