Anyone else had a handwritten letter from the JW recently?

17 Feb 2006
A quick Google presents loads of people with the view that chap has shared.

Here is one for instance:
The question was whether to cancel Christmas celebrations for pre-school because one girls Mum was offended.

Edit: One person has legit suggested they can't watch the Polar Express, lol.
What you've linked to is a discussion by non-JWs about how much they can involve a JW kid with Christmas festivities/celebrations. That's entirely different. The JW kid will not partake in any Christmas celebrations or tradition.

That's entirely expected. They don't celebrate. This is known.

(But what that means/should mean/always used to mean is that the JW kid does something else whilst the others get on with it.)

What isn't expected (or correct, imho) is restricting the teaching of the RE curriculum based on a JW child being present, who has opted in to that module.

e: Incidentally I find the teaching of RE in schools to be completely undesirable. Religion should stay the hell out of school life.
21 Jan 2010
Maybe they are. Maybe they aren't. Who knows. But when they turn up every time with the same type of woman in tow, never someone unattractive, never someone older and never someone slightly overweight, then my spider senses start tingling. I'm glad that sort of thing never occurs to you. I used to be the same. But as I got older and gained more worldly experience I started to always look at the wider picture and question peoples motives.
Are you sure it wasn't the same girl? I'm not sure I have such diversity in JW :p
21 Oct 2011
There was a lad in my high school who was a JW, he never celebrated a single birthday nor was he allowed to go to anyone else's birthday party either. I do remember that he used to chew his nails so bad they they were nearly non-existent and his fingers were always bleeding, and I'm not exaggerating when I say that what was left of his nails was about 2mm long.
25 Nov 2007
e: Incidentally I find the teaching of RE in schools to be completely undesirable. Religion should stay the hell out of school life.

The problem in schools is a lack of education and an emphasis on memorization.

My memory is excellent. Others don't have such a great memory and must read things over and over, and do it many times to finally remember.

You simply ask, if i had the text book in the exam, can i pass the exam, if the answer is yes, its memorization not education.

Some things you obviously do need to memorize, but those are advanced things which IMO only apply to university, or specific courses.

However put those "who wants to be a millionaire" machines in pubs = GG to them and thanks for all the money.
18 Jan 2004
Sunny Scotland
Not had a letter but about 6 years ago I was bored so invited them in had a chat then attended a good few JW teachings over about 4 months and it was really interesting and they are always really nice even when you proper question some of the things they tell you. overall came away with no pressure to join and a good bit of extra knowledge on them and the bible. Meh take from that what you will.
19 Oct 2002
One of the thing they have to do is record the amount of time they spend spreading the word - each person in the church has a minimum amount they have to do each week if they want to be one of the 'chosen'.

I wonder if writing a letter (rather than typing and printing many copies) is just a better time sink to get the time stats up, given the usual activities are not allowed at the moment.

Totally incorrect!

My parents and older brother (and his family) are all JW's I was until I decided not to be many many years ago. There are no quotas for anything other than titles, a bit like a title in a game for completing the most achievements.

@Feek and others

Firstly, I am not a JW, but members of my family are. I have been to their meetings (some years ago) and have friends/acquaintances who are JWs.

This is of course a reaction to the lockdown measures which prevent the usual door-to-door ministry.

Also (most) JWs are not crazy, they are however zealous in their beliefs. You'll doubtless find these letters are polite and friendly. I don't think there is a standard template for them, so if you receive one it will have been written by somebody who took the time to write you.

Absolutely this, 99% of JW's are normal people, doing normal jobs, living normal lives, the only difference is they have a love for something the general public don't understand or want to respect. They do not have Christmas, Birthdays, Easter (not the way the general population have it any way). They often remove their children from RE lessons and religious assemblies in school, that's a personal choice and not mandated by the organisation. Most JW's have a TV and internet access, the organisation in America owns a TV station!! They also publish their own books about other religions, they are not adverbs of people learning different things far from it, they are all for knowledge of other religions as it makes you a better listener and teacher.

@Feek at some point you must have had a conversation with a JW, they remembered you and as the view Easter as a special occasion (As Jesus dies for us all), they invited you to a meeting that tends to be a reading and explanation of part of the bible from around the death of Christ. Very similar to what Catholics do every weekend.
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7 Jun 2004
I got one of these and it was definitely handwritten and also slightly dirty. It went quickly in the bin and we then sanitised our hands. What a creepy way for people to spend their time.
12 Jul 2007
They often remove their children from RE lessons and religious assemblies in school, that's a personal choice and not mandated by the organisation.

Thats how it was for the only JW kid in my year at high-school and there were no issues with that as far as I know (I shared a few classes with him, really nice guy). I on the other hand literally begged my parents to be allowed to do the same as the JW kid as religion just wasn't for me yet both my non-religious parents wouldn't let me, which is kind of stupid when I could often get told off for not singing hymns or praying in assembly etc despite the council run school being supposedly neutral i.e. not a CofE or Catholic school etc.
9 Jun 2005
Totally incorrect!

Absolutely this, 99% of JW's are normal people, doing normal jobs, living normal lives, the only difference is they have a love for something the general public don't understand or want to respect. They do not have Christmas, Birthdays, Easter (not the way the general population have it any way). They often remove their children from RE lessons and religious assemblies in school, that's a personal choice and not mandated by the organisation. Most JW's have a TV and internet access, the organisation in America owns a TV station!! They also publish their own books about other religions, they are not adverbs of people learning different things far from it, they are all for knowledge of other religions as it makes you a better listener and teacher.

Yea refusing blood transfusions isn't "normal" im afraid, its irrational, but then thats religion summed up with one word.

They own a TV station? Of course they, lets not forget that Religion is also a racket, my mates parents have to pay 10% of their wages to the church, TEN ******* PERCENT xD
1 Sep 2010
Yea refusing blood transfusions isn't "normal" im afraid, its irrational, but then thats religion summed up with one word.

They own a TV station? Of course they, lets not forget that Religion is also a racket, my mates parents have to pay 10% of their wages to the church, TEN ******* PERCENT xD

The blood transfusions thing is a bit weird, but I know a JW who is otherwise a very normal person. I didn't even know he was a JW until a mutual friend told me.

Religion isn't my cup of tea, but when people practice theirs without bothering anybody else about it what's the harm?
17 Aug 2009
The blood transfusions thing is a bit weird, but I know a JW who is otherwise a very normal person. I didn't even know he was a JW until a mutual friend told me.

Religion isn't my cup of tea, but when people practice theirs without bothering anybody else about it what's the harm?

Thread is literally about JW and their religious habits of sending out their young adults to bother everyone else :p
17 Feb 2006
Yea refusing blood transfusions isn't "normal" im afraid, its irrational, but then thats religion summed up with one word.

They own a TV station? Of course they, lets not forget that Religion is also a racket, my mates parents have to pay 10% of their wages to the church, TEN ******* PERCENT xD
Bloodless surgery is becoming more common, perhaps even normal, and even preferable to blood transfusions.

In a few years time the idea of putting somebody else's blood in you might be positively archaic.

There are plenty of medical experts and surgeons advocating for (and practicing) bloodless surgery.

e: Some types of operations were pioneered on JW patients as they actively refuse blood (and have done for decades). However I believe bloodless surgery has been pursued for many years now all over the world, because a blood transfusion is an inherently risky thing.
9 Jun 2005
Bloodless surgery is becoming more common, perhaps even normal, and even preferable to blood transfusions.

In a few years time the idea of putting somebody else's blood in you might be positively archaic.

There are plenty of medical experts and surgeons advocating for (and practicing) bloodless surgery.

e: Some types of operations were pioneered on JW patients as they actively refuse blood (and have done for decades). However I believe bloodless surgery has been pursued for many years now all over the world, because a blood transfusion is an inherently risky thing.

haha you sound exactly like them, like almost word for word, Foxeye the closet JW, na you're just a bog standard christian right?
14 Apr 2019
It must be driving them mad not being able to go door knocking when everyone is trapped at home.

I work with a JW, really nice fella on the surface but with his family he's so controlling. Son had to marry a JW, couldn't go to Uni despite almost perfect GCSE results. He didn't want him away from the family unit on his own to be 'corrupted'. Believes in Dinosaurs but not the timeline, in his view carbon dating is flawed or a lie and Dinosaurs weren't that long ago. I find it bizarre as he's excellent at his job and far from lacking intelligence.
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