They've actually been in stock for over 24 hours now, which must be a record. Unfortunately I'm here with money in my pocket and no way to purchase a card from them lol.
How is it good for work related tasks? NVLink doesn't let you pool memory (unless you're using a quadro), unless they've changed the specifications for it since I last checked. Linking together two 2070s still gets you only 8gb of working vram. Sure, you will run renders at (almost) twice the speed of a single 2070, but you'll also be using twice the power and outputting twice the heat.
In any case, you're better off with a single 3070.
In your case you're using 2x 3090s, which I guess is an edge case, as there's no single card that can match that (yet, anyway). Are you actually getting 48gb of usable vram though, or just 24?