Anyone tried the new Pepsi Recipe yet?

I didn't know that. So you can shop them for giving you diet tat if you've asked for proper full fat stuff? Or is it just Coke/Pepsi swapping?
Its anything.
Imagine asking for an expensive glass of wine from the wine menu and they chuck a cheap Malbec at you..
Coke and Pepsi is a pain and probably at the lower end of the spectrum. When we get asked for a JD and coke we have to say "its Pepsi is that ok?"
But full fat and diet is a bigger issue as some people are hyper sensitive to artificial sweeteners
The only way you can tell on the outside if it's old/new without reading the ingredients is the traffic light nutrition label. Old Pepsi is red, new one is orange. Nothing on the label or colours to show it's changed at all. It's similar to what Coke Life was, but at least they had the decency to wrap it in green instead of basically claiming it's the same.

I honestly don't like it, tastes like a bad batch.
How do you differentiate the old and new ones?
You can't. It's the same bottle with no mention of a changed recipe. But it's irrelevant as the old recipe is long gone

Looks like coke is going to win again. They've not rolled it out to postmix yet but when they do I'll be switching my sites over to coke then..

I'm really sensitive to artificial sweeteners so yuuk!!

I don't get it. Why not make a Pepsi light. I didn't know until today that Pepsi has done this. Has one at subway yesterday and was like "they've only gone and bottles Pepsi diet in normal Pepsi bottle the donkeys", I then drank another today and had to Google what was going on.

Seems such a dumb mistake to me, especially as now the obvious answer is not "I'll just get Pepsi diet instead", but "I'll just get a coke instead".

I'd rather they just reduced the sugar and left out the sweeteners altogether.
If and when I do have a soft drink then I'll have a Pepsi Max. It has to be ice cold and with ice though, otherwise it tastes like crap
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Tried it today and tipped most of it out. I found it didn’t really taste of anything, just brown, fizzy water - not much of a hint of cola.
I think there's literally only 1 thing on earth that has been declared to definitively not cause cancer.
I understood it was:

Okay, where does it say it's banned there? The section on cancer uses studies from Ramazzini which have been discredited by many agencies before due to their poor scientific method.

Aspartame is fairly well researched by lots of independent research groups and government agencies, they have not been able to prove a link.

IARC are saying it may cause cancer, but as the article shows: "The IARC has previously faced criticism for categorising working overnight and eating red meat as “probably cancer-causing”."
Aspartame is fairly well researched by lots of independent research groups and government agencies, they have not been able to prove a link.

Independent research groups funded by companies that use aspartame. The research groups then find there is no issue with aspartame.

I say this as a regular aspartame consumer, not a health but.
Some funded by aspartame companies, and yes that is a potential conflict/bias, but if Pepsi just ran their own study it would be dismissed anyway, so they can't win.

Aspartame is still deemed safe by the U.S FDA and UK FSA.
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