Anyone tried the new Pepsi Recipe yet?

Tried a can yesterday and had completely forgotten they'd changed the recipe but knew straight away that it was 'off'. The aftertaste is a lot more like Pepsi Max and the sugary taste doesn't linger in quite the same way it did. Never drank much pop anyway but always went for a Pepsi if the offer was there. Will be avoiding now though, shame.
I buy 36 of these every week and I can't tell the difference.
Important to say that a few years ago my wife gave me this by not telling me, she filled normal Coke bottles with it and after two weeks asked me what I thought :)

This is a great budget alternative to Pepsi Max, it genuinely tastes almost the same (if anything a touch sweeter)

I've not found it in Hofer here though, which is annoying because it's 25% the price of Pepsi Max.
Ah, this makes sense now.

I'm not much of a Pepsi drinker so had been quite a while since I'd last had some. I noticed a couple of weeks ago that it didn't taste quite right. Couldn't put my finger on it, but put it down to me rather than the changed recipe as the wife didn't mention anyway.
Came across Mango flavoured Pepsi Max, had to buy one as you do. Barely drinkable, actually worse than the ginger flavour they did. Shame.
I don't drink it anymore since the change. The taste alone isn't enough to carry it without that sugar hit to back it up. Typically it wouldn't be an issue as I like Coca-cola all the same but it's annoying when I want some sort of a meal deal and pepsi is the only option.
Postmix Pepsi is still the same. Apparently they have no plans to change that but they cant really have two different products claiming to be the same thing...
They are definitely going to lose market share to Coke
I don't drink much coke because I find it too sweet. I also loathe sweeteners, can detect them immediately in any food and find them revolting. I've always wondered why they couldn't release a version with slightly less sugar but no added sweetener?
Is this new Pepsi that, or have they loaded it up with sweetener?
I don't drink much coke because I find it too sweet. I also loathe sweeteners, can detect them immediately in any food and find them revolting. I've always wondered why they couldn't release a version with slightly less sugar but no added sweetener?
Is this new Pepsi that, or have they loaded it up with sweetener?
It's what I wish for too, but unfortunately, what they have done is less sugar and added sweeteners. So it's like the worst of both.
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