anyone used to play on Wireplay ?

Ah, dial up gaming on Wireplay. 56k modem and lag measured in scary three figures! I had a brief time with them, and Half Life was my first online fps experience. I couldn't really enjoy it though, knowing that the bill was ticking skywards and somebody else always wanted to use the phone! :D

This must be going back what... Seven, eight years or more..?

I was on Ultima Online at about the same time. I still can't believe anyone would play an MMORPG on dial up, imagine what the phone bill would have been like for WoW. :eek:
The name DEL 707 came into existance because of WP, oh so many years ago :p

Used to play Total Annihilation and Jedi Knight in the early days, then moved on to Half-Life and TFC later on, played for the ol' [BLITZ] boys :)
Loved playing Quake many years ago. Thats how i started my online gaming. Over a 33.6K modem. I dont think the 56k ones were out then . . . . :D . Loved playing Demolitions or heavy weapons, and damn i was good. Much better then than ive ever been since. (Im above average, but nothing special these days).
T'was a sad day when BarrysWorld died. Big Red Racing, there's a game I'd forgotten. Used to play Action Quake up until I got into CS.
I used to play on Wireplay from time to time, knew a backdoor of getting onto their Quakeworld servers (using their Qizmo proxy server) back when they weren't open to all :p Won a few seasons of the Wireplay FFA league and also played for the Wireplay Fire clan towards the end of it's life, winning a couple of titles.

Incidentally the wireplay forum archive is still available: Quakeboard is here: . A bit slow but may bring back some memories for those who played QW on wireplay in the late 90s or early naughties. Heh, links to the WPFFAL are still working :P
I used to play Quake World Team Fortress on Wireplay all the time. The community was very tight and really, really friendly.

What's best is that NTL messed up the pricing for the number. It used to cost 20p flat rate. :D I remember being on there for six hours once!
DEL 707 said:
The name DEL 707 came into existance because of WP, oh so many years ago :p

Used to play Total Annihilation and Jedi Knight in the early days, then moved on to Half-Life and TFC later on, played for the ol' [BLITZ] boys :)

did u play TA on msn zone? i played there for a ages several years ago and everyone knew each other. clans like doom/lord/rawdawg/BTU/TAA made a great community, and then sadly i moved to cs and community wise it was downhill from there.
Another Wireplay old-timer here. Started playing Quake2 on there in early '98. I played for [KnD], [Z] and [ACE]. Brilliant community. I was also on pay-as-you-play to start with - my phone bills were between 500-600 per quarter! I was on 56k back then, but with their direct dialup on v90 I could get pings of 100-120 :) Ahh, them were the days...
Wireplay was great, I remember the early days of Half-Life team DM, then TFC, then CS. Was never any good, but had some fun in the clans I was in (Death Squad is the only one I remember - that was old school HL team DM, don't think TFC was out then!
I used to try, but it was always way too laggy. Freeserve with a 14.4k modem is not great for games :p
Ooh yeah :E I remember using different dialups for different TFC servers when playing clan games :) hehe just for that all important difference in ping! lol

I was in [BIA] for most of my TFC playing although I was away a lot too cos I was still in the navy :|
Frank Butcher said:
Slightly OT but does anyone remmeber Barrysworld? I think I was the only idiot to pay the monthly subscription when it all went **** up! :D

My UT clan actually hired a server from them I think..!!
MeddlE said:
T'was a sad day when BarrysWorld died. Big Red Racing, there's a game I'd forgotten. Used to play Action Quake up until I got into CS.

Big Red Racing was awesome!!! Motorstorm is just a rip off ;)
Frank Butcher said:
Slightly OT but does anyone remmeber Barrysworld? I think I was the only idiot to pay the monthly subscription when it all went **** up! :D
Yeah Barrysworld lol. Some jumped up admins on there.
i used to play on q2 wireplay. 33.6k modem too, infact its been so long since i had anything to do with the online scene, i even dont remember waht clan i used to play for! [THC] i think it was.
Used to love wireplay :D
Mostly played hl-dm, clan [CM] !!

Air attack was great as well, and used to like CS 1.5 :)
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