anyone used to play on Wireplay ?

I played on wireplay cs 56k only server for years, before adsl became available. There were others (BarrysWorld), but it was my main server for a long time.

Was a great time and a good server, used to get pings of 120 - 150, which was damn good back then.

Always seemed to have nice people on it, plus (when you're a 56k'er) it's always fun to watch people being kicked because of a ping under 100. :D

Another Diamond Supra Express user. :)
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newbidood said:
LOL Hiya m8 many years since i saw that name, remeber chief wiggum and trauts ? they used to play in def too. Chief Wiggum was well known to be the best HW guy on wireplay TFC..

ahh the good old days :)

I was going to mention ole Chief Wiggum, we had a damn good defence :D
I think we were the only clan that had 2 teams entered in the WP competition.

Really looking forward to some more TF2 action when its released.
Another Wireplay old-timer here, I played TFC from '99-2000 til EQ took over my life :) Also a proud owner of the Diamond Supra Express and then moved on to ISDN for the LPB experience :D

I played as [HB]Boff for most of my time there, gooo Horny Beasts :)
CHokKA said:
Oh my god I remember the Supra Express 56k. I actually still have two of them, I remember buying a spare just in case the main one blew in a thunderstorm lol. They were the best damn modems around, and there was a special tweak guide by a guy called Slime that allowed you to get your ping down to something seriously stupid. I remember having pings of around 120ms when dialled up to the WP network lol.

The Diamond Supra was good (my housemate at uni used one prior to us getting ISDN), but it wasn't the best around.

That award would have to go to the Pace 56k Voice ISA modem. The only modem I know capable of sub-90ms ping (ignoring suicide missions with error correction disabled). Obviously this was to Barrysworld, not WP where I pinged a bit higher. The funny thing was the best modem ISP I ever found was actually Freeserve who used some wierd unmetered dialup using a 162(?) prefix routed through energis.

Pace were very highly thought of in the Quakeworld community, however by the time these new-fangled games/mods like Halflife/TFC came out, ISA slots on motherboards were starting to get phased out. I think that's why the Diamond got a good rep, because it was probably next best (and certainly a lot better than all those PCI modems that used to ship with PCs). Those dodgy software modems gave internal modems a bad name, but ISA ones were actually very good.

I can speak with a reasonable amount of authority on this, as I actually compared both modems using the same phoneline and same ISP.
HangTime said:
The Diamond Supra was good (my housemate at uni used one prior to us getting ISDN), but it wasn't the best around.

That award would have to go to the Pace 56k Voice ISA modem. The only modem I know capable of sub-90ms ping (ignoring suicide missions with error correction disabled). Obviously this was to Barrysworld, not WP where I pinged a bit higher. The funny thing was the best modem ISP I ever found was actually Freeserve who used some wierd unmetered dialup using a 162(?) prefix routed through energis.

Pace were very highly thought of in the Quakeworld community, however by the time these new-fangled games/mods like Halflife/TFC came out, ISA slots on motherboards were starting to get phased out. I think that's why the Diamond got a good rep, because it was probably next best (and certainly a lot better than all those PCI modems that used to ship with PCs). Those dodgy software modems gave internal modems a bad name, but ISA ones were actually very good.

I can speak with a reasonable amount of authority on this, as I actually compared both modems using the same phoneline and same ISP.

Yeah I know about the Pace modems, so allow me to correct myself. The Paces where extremely difficult to get hold of at the time that the Supra's where found to be good, so it was more widely used at that point onwards. The Supra's were also cheaper to buy, I think mine cost me about £99 and then the second £79 when I got it! I had a clanmate that was using a Pace and he would always ping at around the 100ms mark which was insane. The Diamonds were next in line to be the best though and got to be a very common modem among the LPB modemers :)

Also, I remember Chief Wiggum well. He was a very good HWG. I remember him mowing through loads of people on the open servers. Ahh those were great times. I miss TFC loads. Can't wait for TF2.
Brok said:
Another Wireplay old-timer here, I played TFC from '99-2000 til EQ took over my life :) Also a proud owner of the Diamond Supra Express and then moved on to ISDN for the LPB experience :D

I played as [HB]Boff for most of my time there, gooo Horny Beasts :)

I was in HB too :D Spam.

THose were the days, used to love the £400 phone bills!
Curio said:
Another Wireplay old-timer here. Started playing Quake2 on there in early '98. I played for [KnD], [Z] and [ACE]. Brilliant community. I was also on pay-as-you-play to start with - my phone bills were between 500-600 per quarter! I was on 56k back then, but with their direct dialup on v90 I could get pings of 100-120 :) Ahh, them were the days...

Those were the memories, I was also in [KnD] and [ACE] what was you name back then? I think my name in KND was just WNB and my ACE name was Hole:)

I played alittle AOE, AVP, q1 & q2 and alittle tfc.
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suprised i still have any screenys left but heres one from a good days hunting in wireplay ut domination league :D think i was helped by my newly installed isdn yes i know i was the proverbial LPB then because everyone elses pings are pretty hopeless :p think the clan got ass wooped for rest of the matches after that hehe..... sometime around 2000-01 i think
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Never played wireplay but I was one of those muppets paying craploads to play ultima :)
Had all the toys and a few good characters tho.
I started on wireplay playing kingpin, was a great little community although i dont think we were well liked by the rest of the community much :), remember getting those £500 a quarter phone bills too :D
Started online gaming in 1999.

Used to play on Wireplay, Gamesinferno, Jolt etc.

Damn good servers imo. £300 quarterly bills.

Started with Diamond Supra PCI on 56k (150-155 ping)

Upgraded to ISDN and used the renowned Asuscom ISDN TA for £40 a month with local rate dialups to ClaraNET and Nildram.

Then finally upgraded to ADSL in 2002. ;)
wnb said:
Those were the memories, I was also in [KnD] and [ACE] what was you name back then? I think my name in KND was just WNB and my ACE name was Hole:)

I played alittle AOE, AVP, q1 & q2 and alittle tfc.

I was [KnD]Rampage and then [Z] / [ACE]Orchid :) Good times. Do you ever hear from Ven? Often wonder what he's up to.
J0hnb0y said:
WP was awesome. i used to play Quake2 1v1 until the early hours every day. in fact, i still believe Quake2 is the best online experience going purely for all the dif jumps etc.

used to be in [CoG], [DFA] and [RsF]

good times...(apart from the phone bills hehe)

What name did you use? I was on the Wireplay 1v1 servers all the time, usually until the early hours. It was so cool how we all knew The Edge so well that you could almost play with your eyes closed and just using the sounds :) As much as I loved duels I did kinda suck :( Because I was stuck on 56k (I think I was one of the last "regulars" without ISDN/BB) I sort of naturally developed a very defensive style of keeping my oponent at a distance and counter-attacking when I could. It meant I was tough to beat, but at the same time I won very few.
Yeah i used to play on wireplay, Started out as Knightmare, then changed my name to hangfire. was part of the TCA (The Casual Assassins) clan:D good times.
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