I'm waiting for Zen to install the Zen Fibre 2 package here at work, a TG589n is the provided router but this looks pants to me tbh so I'm thinking to get a DSL-AC68U which will mean I can configure now with the existing adsl connection and then just swap over when the work is done on the new connection (which will actually be on a different phone line)
This sound ok? Has this routers firmware come of age now?
I'm currently running a DSL-N14U and its taken hours of tinkering to get all the static IP's assigned correctly and the setting for the network working correctly, I have zero confidence that the standard Zen router will be up to the job and I'd rather stick with an interface that i'm familiar with
This sound ok? Has this routers firmware come of age now?
I'm currently running a DSL-N14U and its taken hours of tinkering to get all the static IP's assigned correctly and the setting for the network working correctly, I have zero confidence that the standard Zen router will be up to the job and I'd rather stick with an interface that i'm familiar with