Anyone Using an Asus DSL-AC68U

I think it was just setting the stability adjustment too low that was causing the errors.

As even with it set at 6db it drops below 5 sometimes.
Yeah that will likely have an adverse effect. In my view BT should've gone with 9 dB as the default and made DLM go down to 6 dB if the stability was good enough. Eircom (Ireland) has a target of 9 dB.
This is probably why my connection has been dodgy using the HH5 if I was getting all those errors. Any idea what Plusnet use or will it just be the same as it's on the BT network.
Unfortunately it's 6 dB on any FTTC service going via BT as Openreach control it. I hope one day that DLM and certain parameters such as the target SNRM will be controllable by the ISP.

Fortunately certain routers, such as the ASUS DSL-AC68U in this case, can override the target SNRM, or even specify their own speed banding (despite SIN 498 saying not to alter any of these).

One thing I did on my ASUS DSL-AC68U a while back, which astonished me in that was possible, was I overrode the downstream DSLAM's configuration (e.g. that being the min/max sync rate and whether I wanted fastpath or interleaved at various INP and delay settings). For example, even though I may have been speed banded at 54M downstream, I could specify something like 80M and actually override the 54M downstream sync rate set on the DSLAM. This was done via a special debug tool however, but I don't share details on how this can be done for obvious reasons.
I'm currently trying 7dB.

6dB threw up a few hundred CRC errors within an hour.

None so far at 7dB after an hour.

Is there an acceptable figure or should errors just be as close to 0 as possible?
Can you tell me where the settings are to set a target SNR please?

Edit: After a re-read I guess it is just stability adjustment for VDSL? If so, Mine was always set at 5db.
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Even at 7dB I still have 2600 CRC down errors after 5 hours, the SNR down still fluctuates down to the 4-5dB range as well. So it seems like it can't be fully controlled :(
Controlling target SNRM worked here when I've tested it, so my only guess is your connection must be losing SNRM over time, or for some reason it doesn't work with G.INP connections (doubtful).

It does seem rather strange that you're getting this amount of CRC errors in such a short time however.
I've put the stability adjustment back up to 10dB and no errors so far after 3 hours but I'm annoyed that this means I don't sync at my max (80mb) anymore it's around 70.
I've put the stability adjustment back up to 10dB and no errors so far after 3 hours but I'm annoyed that this means I don't sync at my max (80mb) anymore it's around 70.

A lower setting might suffice, might need changing in increments (e.g. trying 8 dB and 9 dB). Obviously don't re-sync too often or DLM might see it as instability.

So is it just that setting I mentioned earlier? I'm hooking it back up tomorrow for further testing.

Yes it is, 'Stability Adjustment (VDSL)'.
Even with stability adjustment at 10dB I've still had 1735 CRC down errors after 22 hours.

I've noticed SNR down is still fluctuating wildly between 7 and 10dB.
The SNR fluctuating sounds wrong and may very well be related to the CRC errors you're getting. I'm not sure what to suggest other than the following eliminations:
- Filter/master socket replacement to try
- Spare DSL cable, if you have one try using that
- Extensions, disconnect them if you have any to see if that's the cause
- Disconnect your phone(s) temporarily and see if it helps
- If none of the above help then finally try a different modem and monitor the SNRM on that

If all of the above don't help then you may have a more serious problem that an engineer might need to fix and hopefully a line test by the ISP would pick this up (e.g. battery contact fault or something).

My SNRM varies on a delta of up to 0.6 dB typically throughout the day and night, on an ideal line I'd expect no more than 2.0 dB SNRM delta but also not to wildly swing around constantly either.

SNRM:Ave= 9.76-> 9.9
SNRM_Band[0]= 9.8->10.0
SNRM_Band[1]= 9.8->10.0
SNRM_Band[2]= 9.6-> 9.8
US SNRM = 9.6
Hi, just wondered if someone could give my stats a squizz and see if there's any improvements I can make?

fwVer= FwVer: HwVer:T14.F7_0.1

Opmode=ITU G.993.2(VDSL2)
SNRMarginDown=7.0 dB
AttenDown=13.6 dB
SNRMarginUp=6.9 dB
AttenUp=0.1 dB
DataRateDown=41013 kbps
DataRateUp=12500 kbps
ADSLUpTime=7 min, 52 secs
ADSLActiveTime=0 min, 19 secs
PowerDown=11.6 dbm
PowerUp=7.1 dbm
mtenStandard=G.dmt.bisplus (Annex L)


Noticed 13 CRC's after 11 minutes already, not sure if ideal. I am heavily downloading at the moment as well.

How do you post stats into a little scroll box? I'm wanting to update the thread with some stats from both my units to show but not end up creating a post half a mile long.

The latest ASUS DSL-AC68U stats which I was running for 1 week. This is a comparison if anyone is interested. I'll update the D6400 thread too.

SNRMarginDown=5.4 dB
AttenDown=10.9 dB
SNRMarginUp=9.6 dB
AttenUp=3.3 dB
DataRateDown=70665 kbps
DataRateUp=19999 kbps
ADSLUpTime=7 days, 23:05, 12 secs
ADSLActiveTime=0 min, 17 secs
PowerDown=13.7 dbm
PowerUp=6.9 dbm
mtenStandard=G.dmt.bisplus (Annex L)

Full stats of 8 days uptie using the Netgear D6400

DSLAM/MSAN type:        	BDCM:0xa485 / v0xa485
Modem/router firmware:  	AnnexA version - A2pv6F039j.d25d
DSL mode:               	VDSL2 Profile 17a
Status:                 	Showtime
Resyncs:                	0 (since 31 May 2015 12:58:02)
				Downstream	Upstream
Line attenuation (dB):  	17.5		0.0
Signal attenuation (dB):	Not monitored		
Connection speed (kbps):	74000		20000
SNR margin (dB):        	7.5		9.7
Power (dBm):            	13.6		7.5
Interleave depth:       	16		8
INP:                    	49.00		47.00
G.INP:                  	Enabled		

RSCorr/RS (%):          	0.0221		7.0520
RSUnCorr/RS (%):        	0.0000		0.0000
ES/hour:                	0		0

adslctl info --stats
adslctl: ADSL driver and PHY status
Status: Showtime
Last Retrain Reason:    0
Last initialization procedure status:   0
Max:    Upstream rate = 26040 Kbps, Downstream rate = 80441 Kbps
Bearer: 0, Upstream rate = 20000 Kbps, Downstream rate = 74000 Kbps
Bearer: 1, Upstream rate = 0 Kbps, Downstream rate = 0 Kbps
Link Power State:       L0
Mode:                   VDSL2 Annex B
VDSL2 Profile:          Profile 17a
TPS-TC:                 PTM Mode(0x0)
Trellis:                U:ON /D:ON
Line Status:            No Defect
Training Status:        Showtime
                Down            Up
SNR (dB):        7.5             9.7
Attn(dB):        17.5            0.0
Pwr(dBm):        13.6            7.5

                        VDSL2 framing
                        Bearer 0
MSGc:           -6              -6
B:              174             97
M:              1               1
T:              0               0
R:              8               8
S:              0.0752          0.1554
L:              19456           5457
D:              16              8
I:              183             106
N:              183             106
Q:              16              8
V:              3               2
RxQueue:                42              39
TxQueue:                14              13
G.INP Framing:          18              18
G.INP lookback:         14              13
RRC bits:               24              24
                        Bearer 1
MSGc:           154             58
B:              0               0
M:              2               2
T:              2               2
R:              16              16
S:              6.4000          16.0000
L:              40              16
D:              3               1
I:              32              32
N:              32              32
Q:              0               0
V:              0               0
RxQueue:                0               0
TxQueue:                0               0
G.INP Framing:          0               0
G.INP lookback:         0               0
RRC bits:               0               0

                        Bearer 0
OHF:            0               0
OHFErr:         2               13
RS:             2515510368              2428593
RSCorr:         554115          61355
RSUnCorr:       0               0
                        Bearer 1
OHF:            43355392                533362
OHFErr:         0               0
RS:             433553307               2301221
RSCorr:         2129            299
RSUnCorr:       0               0

                        Retransmit Counters
rtx_tx:         388043          5110
rtx_c:          19178           17972
rtx_uc:         2               73044

                        G.INP Counters
LEFTRS:         456             84
minEFTR:        74006           19997
errFreeBits:    785859680               1521542996

                        Bearer 0
HEC:            0               0
OCD:            0               0
LCD:            0               0
Total Cells:    317187817               0
Data Cells:     325251717               0
Drop Cells:     0
Bit Errors:     0               0

                        Bearer 1
HEC:            0               0
OCD:            0               0
LCD:            0               0
Total Cells:    0               0
Data Cells:     0               0
Drop Cells:     0
Bit Errors:     0               0

ES:             2               3
SES:            0               0
UAS:            31              31
AS:             696400

                        Bearer 0
INP:            49.00           47.00
INPRein:        0.00            0.00
delay:          0               0
PER:            0.00            0.00
OR:             0.01            0.01
AgR:            74132.27        20102.08

                        Bearer 1
INP:            4.50            4.00
INPRein:        4.50            4.00
delay:          3               0
PER:            16.06           16.06
OR:             79.68           31.87
AgR:            79.68   31.87

Bitswap:        85324/85329             9058/9063

Total time = 8 days 1 hours 27 min 11 sec
FEC:            554115          61355
CRC:            2               13
ES:             2               3
SES:            0               0
UAS:            31              31
LOS:            0               0
LOF:            0               0
LOM:            0               0
Latest 15 minutes time = 12 min 11 sec
FEC:            65              0
CRC:            0               0
ES:             0               0
SES:            0               0
UAS:            0               0
LOS:            0               0
LOF:            0               0
LOM:            0               0
Previous 15 minutes time = 15 min 0 sec
FEC:            84              16
CRC:            0               0
ES:             0               0
SES:            0               0
UAS:            0               0
LOS:            0               0
LOF:            0               0
LOM:            0               0
Latest 1 day time = 1 hours 27 min 11 sec
FEC:            1515            92
CRC:            0               0
ES:             0               0
SES:            0               0
UAS:            0               0
LOS:            0               0
LOF:            0               0
LOM:            0               0
Previous 1 day time = 24 hours 0 sec
FEC:            62119           2103
CRC:            0               0
ES:             0               0
SES:            0               0
UAS:            0               0
LOS:            0               0
LOF:            0               0
LOM:            0               0
Since Link time = 8 days 1 hours 26 min 39 sec
FEC:            554115          61355
CRC:            2               13
ES:             2               3
SES:            0               0
UAS:            0               0
LOS:            0               0
LOF:            0               0
LOM:            0               0
NTR: mipsCntAtNtr=0 ncoCntAtNtr=0
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Ok, I've reverted back to the ASUS again and made a few adjustments as others have.
The only settings I changed from previous setup was change stability adjustment to 7dB and then changed the TX power control to 0dB. This has made my SNR fluctuate a lot less now. Unfortunately it came with a reduction in speed. My line profile is now 67469kbps compared to 70665kbps with everything as default. The broadcom based unit would see me on a profile of 74000kbps.
Ok, I've reverted back to the ASUS again and made a few adjustments as others have.
The only settings I changed from previous setup was change stability adjustment to 7dB and then changed the TX power control to 0dB. This has made my SNR fluctuate a lot less now. Unfortunately it came with a reduction in speed. My line profile is now 67469kbps compared to 70665kbps with everything as default. The broadcom based unit would see me on a profile of 74000kbps.

If it remains reasonably stable/has few errors then you could try setting Rx AGC Gain (VDSL) to High Performance, it may well boost your downstream rate (hopefully without increasing the rate of errors). Additionally, what might help slightly, is reducing the Tx Power Offset if you have spare SNRM on the upstream. Remember to keep UPBO enabled as disabling this will result in the downstream attainable rate being reduced due to the increased upstream signal.
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