Despite the CRC errors (I guess ES didn't exceed DLM profile's threshold, alledgedly 2880 ES in a 24 hour period if on 'speed' profile, according to Zen), my connection remains on fastpath but has been speed banded from 74/20 to 49/15 presumably due to all the re-syncs I had in the early hours of the morning on version 2072.
Version 693 is so far the only stable version, although some CRC's still occur I imagine ES is below the threshold. I sure wish I could know what the ECI /r measures in CRC errors but I doubt I ever will due to the unreliability of the statistics on that modem. I know the HG612 produces a similar CRC rate to the ASUS DSL-AC68U (a regular 1-2 CRC errors per minute or two, with a rare occasional burst of 10-20 CRC's - on the downstream) when I had it plugged in.
When my connection speed returns to normal, if it does (as it's definitely way below the estimated speeds now), then I will try versions 2048, 2049 and 2050 to see if they perform differently with the exact settings I'm using at the moment.
Decided to try version 2050, so far so good. It has held for over 2 hours though a similar 'trickle' of downstream CRC's exist still.
I think I might write a very basic app to measure the possible ES and the CRC rate, perhaps by a graph too. Best way I think is to use telnet and read the info_adsl.txt file in the /tmp/adsl/ directory, every second or two if possible.
Current Settings
DSL modulation: VDSL
Annex mode: Annex A
Stability Adjustment (ADSL): Disabled
Stability Adjustment (VDSL): Disabled
Tx Power Control (VDSL): Disabled
Rx AGC GAIN Adjustment (VDSL): Stable
UPBO - upstream power back off (VDSL): Auto
SRA (Seamless Rate Adaptation): Disabled (BT doesn't support this yet anyway, as far as I know)
Bitswap: Enabled
VDSL Profile: Multimode 17a
Improved Impulse Noise Protection (G.998.4): Enabled
Over 6 hours uptime on version 2050, 377 CRC errors, I'd guestimate ES is somewhere between 200 to 300.